Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 573 z 838

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Plan, install, and operate optimally Installation simple, fast, and safe B. You can use this integrated part single tier terminal block which safes you space and costs. Your wire installation can remain unchanged.Signal marshalling Installation Integrated contact for shielding You can choose the new single and double tier terminals also with integrated contact onto the DIN rail allow rational shield connection from incoming field wire cables. Cross connection channel provision On all levels terminals the double cross connection possibility allows you rational and comfortable potential distribution for Analogue and Digital inputs and outputs. Function change Last minute changes The disconnect and fuse versions can allow you easy function change replacing disconnect lever with hinged fuse carrier vice versa, thus accommodating late minute changes cabinets. Thus allowing space and component savings the cabinet. The single level terminal blocks offer three cross connection channels. Integrated shield bus bar connected your floating ground As alternative connecting the shield you can use the potential-free shield bus bar.147 3029140000 Application range B '&6 ,2 . allows you use your floating ground for the shield that avoids coupling loop for noise currents present the ground system