System Elpress terminals and tools

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9 * Steel 10. • Tightening torque according the table above.8 * Steel 8. Accuracy better than ±5%. This especially im- portant for aluminium. The accuracy the tool is great importance. It is important that this done correct manner, important the contact crimping the other end the terminal as described above. The flat washer must have an external diameter least large the tension washer. • Choose stainless A4-80 environments when there high risk corrosion. a spring washer type DIN 6796, with very high clamping force, is positioned and secured between e. • The tension washer can normally be excluded. Tension washers The use different types locking elements spring washers often increases the risk settlement.g.8 * Steel 8. important to clean and use contact grease. The installation of terminal with bolt joint for electrical transmission requires special attention.8 * Steel 10. Surfaces that are tinned, nickel-plated, silver plated must not brushed. .9 * Stainless Stainless *Stainless * - P M5 5,5 6,6 118,0 8,0 9,2 164,0 5,5 6,2 111,0 M6 9,5 9,2 114,0 13,0 13,0 160,0 9,5 8,6 107,0 M8 23,0 17,0 116,0 32,0 24,0 164,0 22,0 16,0 109,0 M10 45,0 27,0 92,0 64,0 38,0 129,0 45,0 25,5 88,0 M12 78,0 40,0 125,0 110,0 56,0 175,0 76,0 37,0 116,0 M16 200,0 75,0 156,0 280,0 110,0 229,0 185,0 69,0 144,0 Mv tightening torque (Nm) Ff pre-tensioning force (kN) p flat pressure (N/mm²) FZB electroplated gloss chromed FZY electroplated hard chromed FZM FZM= mechanically galvanized * (FZB, FZY, FZM) A4/80 Selection washers: • Always select hard flat washers the BRB, HB200 type. Cu/CU provides the best joint, good contact and small risk settlement. Preparatory: • Clean contact surfaces from dirt, oxide layers and grease using steel brush and denatured alcohol. The joint must achieve a sufficiently high clamping force, distribu- ted desirable manner and ensure the electrical properties over very long time under high and varying loads different characteristics. The information below general and hence, should never seen an installation instruction. Recommended tightening torque Thread Steel 8. It must never placed directly against electrical contact surface without flat washer in between. When using spring washers, is sufficient and preferably placed on the opposite side the terminal. Bolt joint with spring washer. very important fol- low the installation instructions. • spring washer sufficient and should be placed the rear the busbar, between nut and hard flat washer, see diagram. The diameter the tension washer should less than equal the flat washer’s, even after tightening fully. • Torque wrenches must calibrated regularly. Otherwise, there is risk large deformation the conducting material that reduces the tension, which can increase the risk inadequate contact area and overheating. Al/Cu gives higher risk corrosion and settlement, use contact grease. This applies regardless the hard- ness the conductive materials (which are softer than HB200). • Greased galvanized screws provide the least dispersion the pre-tension force. tension washer type DIN 6796 used, must placed between the screw head/nut and the flat washer. Oil the screw when installing. Otherwise, the risk settlement the outer edge the flat washer increases where the clamping forces are concen- trated. Installation: • The screws must tightened with tor- que tools that tightening is controlled. Tightening must carried out con- trolled manner using torque tools, where the relevant screw tensioned the specified torque.12:6 Bolt joints Bolt joints Users/installers bolted connectors always have adhere to, and follow electrical codes and norms the local region where they are making such instal- lations. The clamping force of properly tightened screw shall create a contact area large enough ensure good conductivity, without the risk overhea- ting.8.9 * Steel 10. Mounting the terminal against the connection rail Max. terminals the same size on the same screw. These are based theoretical calculations, verified tests and experience from field studies. order for the clamping force be distributed evenly and create sufficiently large contact area, hard flat washers must always used, type BRB HB200 SMS 70, under screw head and nut. Tension was- her flat washer can reduce the risk of settlement. • Petroleum jelly contact grease reduces corrosion risk cleaned surfaces Fastener selection: • Screws and nuts strength class 8. Bolt joints. • The terminal palm and busbar may of different materials. Al/Al gives weaker joint. Even the torque recorded correctly, the pre-tension force depends entirely on the friction. See image below. nut and the hard flat washer, can provide increased margin towards excessively high settlement. Cu/Al provides low risk galvanic corrosion when the rail made Al. Current load should be checked