System Elpress terminals and tools

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Marking uninsulated terminals Elpress uninsulated terminals are marked with logotype, area and any screw diame- ter facilitate work and checkability.95%.8, used for connecting terminals with Cu and palms: • Always use torque wrench cer- tain the right torque achieved. . This ensures that users will feel confident when using our systems, and that se- cure connection will achieved through the proper handling our products. The recep- tacles and sockets are made brass.2 mm) G fork terminals GS fork terminal H tabs (male) HN tab with locking lip HA bullet HO socket R ring terminals SR pin terminal FLS receptacle, rolled type FLSB receptacle rolled type FLSH receptacle male rolled type FLSN receptacle locking lip rolled model FLSV receptacle angled rolled model Screw and washer The following apply for bright galvanized type nuts and screws, with strength class 8. • Install illustrated.3:2 General information about uninsulated terminals System Elpress System Elpress consists terminals and tools that are designed and tested to- gether give certified crimping result. • Always use hard flat washer reduce friction against the connection surface and the edge pressure, hardness min HB200. • Use the recommended torque according to the screw manufacturer’s instruc- tions. Conductor area, mm² Screw 10 M6 16-50 M8 70-95 M10 120-300 M12 400-500 M16 UL-approved terminals KR/KS, KRF/KSF, KRFS, KRT/KST approved in accordance with file no. All terminals are then electro-tin plated for maximum corrosion protection. Designation example Cat B1532R (G, HO, FLS etc) B uninsulated 15 Area (1. UL certified products are delivered with UL marking the label including the UL file number and/or certification code for control inspector. technical report, IEC 61238-2, sets out the following recommendations regarding screw sizes for connecting ter- minals with and plate provided that mounting takes place with washer and with the correct tightening torque. Terminals made copper bands have a brazed neck which soldered, which means that can crimped any direction. Examples crimps using Elpress uninsulated terminals. IEC recommendations IEC The International Electrical Com- mission publishes internationally viable standards which, although not directly binding, often have great impact and are used the basis for international de- liveries.5 mm²) 32 Characteristic dimension (Hole 3. E205350. Make sure calibrated regular intervals according the supplier’s instructions.The certificate can downloaded Product IQ. Uninsulated terminals Elpress through connectors, ring, pipe, fork and pin terminals are made of high-quality copper 99