Shearbolt terminals are made harde-
ned aluminium with alloy that allows
both copper and aluminium cable be
joined, while preventing the occurence of
galvanic corrosion. reduce the number
of terminal variants, screw terminals are
supplied with reduction washers that
allow the use two different bolt sizes.
. See table Chapter 12.
On the SC50R50S through connector, the
screws are threaded into the sleeve and
can handle all their cable areas one th-
read length.
We recommend that the fitter uses a
counterhold tool secure the shearbolt
terminal more easily when tightening the
• Use the recommended torque according
to the screw manufacturer’s instruc-
tions. no. SC50R50S
SC Shearbolt connector
50R max mm² round conductor
50S max mm² sector conductor
Screw and washer
The following apply for bright galvanized
type nuts and screws, with strength class
Tightening torque
Recommended tightening torque for
wet lubricated screws and nuts bright
galvanized zinc type with strength class
Elpress marking shearbolt terminals
shows logo, product name, cable area
(for stranded and solid conductors) and
shearbolt installation order.8 and coarse threaded (normal thread),
used with corresponding washer for
connection terminals with Cu- and Al
• Install illustrated.
Through connector SC50R50S with pre-assem-
bled screws. SC50R50S also suitable as
a screen connector for 10-35 mm² Cu/Al.
Use socket wrench tighten the screws. SL70R70S-10-12
SL Shearbolt terminal
70R max mm² round conductor
70S max mm² sector conductor
10-12 screw size and thread
Cat. The user gets a
reduced range products and flexible
solution. Installation
tools can socket wrench im-
pact wrench with torque force >100 Nm.8, used for connecting terminals with
Cu and palms:
• Always use torque wrench cer-
tain the right torque achieved. Make
sure calibrated regular intervals
according the supplier’s instructions. This makes easier for the user
to perform the installation. The terminal
palm marked with screw size M-thread
for bolted joints.
It also possible use impact wrench.
Washers are always needed for con-
necting terminals with screw joints to
• Always use hard flat washer reduce
friction against the connection surface
and the edge pressure, hardness min
HB200. no.
Shearbolt terminals
Shearbolt terminals kV
Elpress shearbolt terminals are available
as through connectors and terminals for:
• stranded and solid and cables
• round cross section 630 mm²
• sector cross section 240 mm²
The screws used are made brass, that
has the advantage providing lower
friction compared aluminium steel
Handles multiple area steps
The advantages shearbolt terminals
are that installation can done easily
without any heavy special tools and that
they can manage several area steps in
the same through connector/terminal,
for example 10-50 mm²