System Elpress terminals and tools

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Kroužkové, vidličkové a kolíkové konektory Elpress ...

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Poznámky redaktora
Stranded Al mm² Solid Al mm² Name Net weight (kg) 16-150 16-185 V2521 0,921 185-500 240-300 V2531 0,750 16-500 16-300 V2540 0,157 . Use punch holder V2540.6:45 06 Punch and Matrix for pre-rounding For conductors, pre-rounding. Matrix holder V2531, matrix R18MR, punch R18DR, punch holder V2540. Stranded Al mm² Solid Al mm² Matrix Matrix holder Punch 16 (+25) R6MR V2521 R6DR 25 R7MR V2521 R7DR 35 R8MR V2521 R8DR 50 R9MR V2521 R9DR 70 R12MR V2521 R12DR 95 120 R13MR V2521 R13DR 120 150 R15MR V2521 R15DR 150 185 R16MR V2521 R16DR 185 240 R18MR V2531 R18DR 240 R20MR V2531 R20DR 300 300 R21MR V2531 R21DR 400 R26MR V2531 R26DR 500 R28MR V2531 R28DR Matrix- and punch holder for the 250 system Matrix- and punch holder for the 250 system