System Elpress terminals and tools

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Poznámky redaktora
(no punch holder needed) Matrix holder V2521, matrix P13M, punch P13D. Crimp sequence Stranded Al mm² Solid Al mm² Matrix Matrix holder Punch Number of crimps Used for 16-25 16-35 P13M V2521 P13D 2 35-70 50-95 P20M V2521 P20D 2 95-150 120-185 P25M V2521 P25D 2 185-240 240 P32M V2531 P32D 2 300 300 P36M V2531 P36-40-44D 2 300-400 P2537M P2537D Terminals and through connectors type AK/AS/AKK/AKS 300B-400B 400 P40M V2531 P36-40-44D 2 500 P44M V2531 P36-40-44D Terminals and through connectors type AK/AS/AKK/AKS 500B 500-630 P2552M P2552D Terminals and through connectors type AK/AS/AKK/AKS 500A .6:44 Accessories for crimping with V250 Punch and Matrix for indent crimping For indent crimping Al-terminals and connectors. For solid (Class and solid (Class Al-conductors according to IEC 60228. Two crimps are always needed, see image