System Elpress terminals and tools

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• compartment for easy storage dies, matrices and punches. • STANAG4280, DEF-STAN 81-41 Certification. • pressure equalisation valve. • handles can withstand kg. The case IP67 rated, withstands dust and heavy impacts. • the case can locked with double padlocks.6:26 Die holders for the 1300 system Outer and inner holder for the 1300 system. CASE ADVANCED can handle the most demanding conditions. • IP67 (fully waterproof depth metre). Name Net weight (kg) PVX1300-CASE-ADV 7,6 . Properties: • lifetime warranty. Pull handles and wheels make easier for the user transport the tool and the right accessories. • withstands temperatures from -30 +90 °C. Outer die holder V1318 Inner die holder V1316 Name Net weight (kg) V1316 0,197 V1318 0,309 CASE ADVANCED A safer, more durable and easier handle case for Elpress crimping tools, PVX1300 and PVX1300C2