System Elpress terminals and tools

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Used the V600 system. Stranded Al mm² mm² KR/KS, KRF/KSF Name Number of crimps Net weight (kg) Note 16-25 10-16 TBKA9-11,5 0,14 Used crimp AS1625 and AKS1625-1016 .6:14 Accessories for crimping with T2600, V600, V611 and PVX611 Punch and Matrix for Al For Al-terminals, indent crimping. Punch crimping. Not used for pre-rounding. Rotatable die, one side for crimping aluminum and the other side for crimping copper. Matrix holder TV2620, matrix TP13M, punch TP13D. Crimp dies for and Cu For crimping 16-25 mm² and 10-16 mm² Cu. Crimp sequence Stranded Al mm² Solid Al mm² Matrix Matrix holder Punch Number of crimps 16-25 16-35 TP13M TV2620 TP13D 2 Two crimps are always needed. The dies below are intended used together with Cu/Al conductors according IEC 60228