System Elpress terminals and tools

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mm² AWG Name Crimp geometry Net weight (kg) Length mm Width Height 16-25 5-3 EL2258 Hexagonal 0,66 300 70 T2258 Crimp geometries Tested and certified mechanical hand-held tool for crimping Cu-terminals, type CUT 6-16 mm² and KR/KRF/KS/KSF 4-16 mm². mm² AWG Name Crimp geometries Net weight (kg) Length mm Width Height 4-16 12-6 T2258 Punch, Hexagonal 0,65 304 70 . mm² AWG Name Crimp geometry Net weight (kg) Length mm Width Height 4-16 12-6 ES2258 Hexagonal 0,66 300 70 EL2258 Crimp geometry Tested and certified mechanical hand-held tool for crimping Cu-terminals, type KRF/KSF 16-25 mm².6:3 06 Crimp tool for Cu-terminals mm² Properties: • certified tool for connection according norms • ergonomic handles facilitate installation • scissor movement for access confined spaces • ratchet function that does not release until the crimp complete • hexagonal crimping with clearly marked crimping positions ES2258 Crimp geometry Tested and certified mechanical hand-held tool for crimping Cu-terminals, type CUT 6-16 mm² and KR/KS 4-10 mm²