System Elpress terminals and tools

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6:2 General information Tools for Cu, and AlCu terminals System Elpress System Elpress consists terminals and tools that are designed and tested together give certified crimping result. Round crimping carried out se- ctor-shaped conductors. Crimp head V1300C2 with dies. Al-terminals The V1300 system used for the indent crimping connections and pre-rounding conductors 16-240 mm². Pumps that can be connected the different crimp heads provide the option comfortable work in difficult situations and with maximum flexibility. Cu-terminals The V250 system used for crimping Cu-terminals 10-800 mm². Die pair 13DCB20. The systems consist pumps and crimp heads that can freely combined with complete hand-held tools, where these devices are integrated. Both pumps and hand-held tools have, with few exceptions, quick feed function that means crimping can begin after few pump strokes. . Cu-terminals The V1300 system used for crimping Cu-terminals 10-400 mm². Together with the matching terminals, the complete system for- med. Al-terminals The V250 system used for indent crimping Al-terminals and pre-rounding Al conductors 16-630 mm². Round crimping carried out sector-shaped conductors. This ensures that users will feel confident when using our systems, and that secure connection will be achieved through the proper handling of our products. Wide range accessories available for crimping, pre-rounding, cutting etc. The systems have built-in ratchet lock that ensures that initial crimp completed and thus produces results with the best characteristics. Hydraulic crimp systems Elpress hydraulic crimp systems crimp from 1200 mm². open- head version also available for better access confined spaces