System Elpress terminals and tools

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Poznámky redaktora
• Two plus two crimps are needed For crimp sequence, see image. • Partition the middle prevent fluid flow. Crimp sequence Stranded Al mm² Solid Al mm² AWG Al (Stranded Al) AWG Al (Solid Al) Name d mm D Tool Pcs/ pack 16-25 6-4 AS1625 6,2 11,5 V600 50 16 AS16 5,9 V600, V1300, V250 48 25 AS25 6,8 V600, V1300, V250 48 35 1/0 AS35 8,5 100 V1300, V250 24 50 1/0 2/0 AS50 9,6 100 42,5 V1300, V250 24 70 2/0 3/0 AS70 11,3 100 42,5 V1300, V250 24 95 120 3/0 250 AS95 12,5 130 V1300, V250 12 120 150 250 300 AS120 130 V1300, V250 12 150 185 300 350 AS150 15,8 130 V1300, V250 12 185 240 350 500 AS185 17,6 131 V1300, V250 9 240 500 AS240 19,8 131 V1300, V250 9 300 600 AS300SOLID 177 V250 6 300 600 AS300 177 V250 3 400 750 AS400 179 V250 3 400 750 AS400SOLID 179 V250 3 500 1000 AS500A 250 110 V250 3 500 1000 AS500B 184 V250 3 630 1250 AS630A-1 250 110 V250 1 630 1250 AS630A-2 250 110 V250 1 800 1600 AS800-1 288 129 V1470 1 1000 2000 AS1000-1 288 129 V1470 1 1200 2500 AS1200 320 142 V1470 1 For other combinations, please contact Elpress.5:4 Aluminium through connectors with partition 1200 mm² • Used primarily for connecting two conductors with the same area. strip length