Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

Strana 57 z 113

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Poznámky redaktora
72 (18.oxes and Enclosures “B” Size Die Cast Aluminum Box with Cover Connector: Type 2428 2417 3230 3231 2411 3239 2420 None BBE BBE BBE BBE BBE BBE BBE BBE Length Type - Connector: Length Type - Connector: Length Type - Connector: Length - 49 BNC (F) 0.29m Type BNC (F) Connector: Length 0.45m ) 2.29m ) Replacement cover Flange ounting cover Cover screws, 100/pkg onnector screws with solder turret IBN BNC and ith all boxes.94m (F) IBNC (M) 0.85in (21.71in (43.47in (11.72in (18.72 (18.72in (18.29m BNC (F) 0.72in (18.72in (18.72in (18.75in (44.29m ) 2417/2428 3232 3234 4246 3719 4864 2352 BNC (F) 0.59m IBNC 0.72in (18.29m BNC (F) 0.29m BNC (F) 0.47in (11.75in (19. BBE lue aked l 3230 0 ' ^ •J 1 | ^ 3231 3239 1 ) A ~B~~| (m *\ *A 2 ) 1 th 2411 3232 2420 3234 “C” Size Die Cast Aluminum Box with Cover 2906 2901 2902 4248 2352 None BBE BBE Connector: Type BNC (F) Length 0.75in (120.64in (67.75in (19. BBE lue Baked l 4.43m depth 2902 w tro m .81in (20.29m BNC (F) 0.57m 0.65m 2901 2906 1.72in (18.95m 1.72in (18.29m ) BNC (F) 0.07m 4.05m ) BNC (F) 0.94m 0.29m ) Replacement cover Connector screws with solder turret C clu ith boxe s.72in (18.29m BNC (F) 0.29m BNC (F) 0.29m BNC (M) 0.25in (107.72in (18.72in (18.29m BNC (F) 0.05m 0