Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.
Strana 20 z 113
Poznámky redaktora
19in (55.9m 48in (1.72in (69.13in (54m -
M odel# 72909 pedance: a
Length 10in (25cm )
BNC Male with Molded Strain Relief Retractable Sheath Banana Plugs
I 2.6m 36in (0.92in (201. Color: Black.3m 24in (0.75in (19.2m )
M odel# 5268-C-24 5268-C-36 5268-C-48 5268-C-60
Length 24in (0.0in (203.5m )
IEC Insulated BNC Male Stackable/Retractable plugs
|<------- 1.17mm ■2.30in (33. 2.2m 60in (1. odel# 4530-C-18 4530-C-24 4530-C-36 4530-C-48 4530-C-60 Length 18in (0.21m )
2nd End: .63m 0.9m 48in (1.02 5in Square eceptacles Center Contact, gold-plated brass; Insulation: ABS; Colors: one black and one red.66in )---------► !
M odel# 72908
Length 1. 500 Vrm BNC: Body: tarnish resistant nickel-plated brass; Center Contact: gold-plated brass Strain elief: PVC molded directly cable and connectors.
Length 40in (100cm 80in (200cm)
BNC Male .02m )
| 10in (25cm )
2nd End: Stacking Banana Body: nickel-plated brass beryl lium copper spring; Insulation: polyproylene; Colors: one black and one red..6m 36in (0. Color: Black. 2nd End: Sheathed Banana Body: nickel-plated brass beryllium copper spring; Insulation: nylon.
BNC Male with Molded Strain Relief MultiStacking Double Banana Plug 1.Coaxial Cable Assemblies and Breakouts
Insulated BNC Male /4mm Shrouded Plugs
L 2. Color: black.52in (13.2m 60in (1.10in (2. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.09m 7.
■2.28in (58m )
M odel# 72927-C-40 72927-C-80 pedance: n. Color: Black.2m 60in (1.5m )
R ating: Vrms Vdc, 6A. 2.13in (54m ■
IEC Insulated BNC Female Stackable/Retractable plugs
- 2.17mm) See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.
3.37in (85..63mm)
M odel# 5343-C-12 5343-C-24 5343-C-36 5343-C-48 5343-C-60
Length 12in (0.
M w
- 2.5m 24in (0.
.55in (39. the ends listed below
R ating: 500V Cat 1,150 Cat 3A.60m 1st End: Crim BNC ale ith olded tra lie Body: tarnish resistant nickel-plated brass; Center contact: gold-platedbrass; Impedance: Boot, PVC; Color: black. Body: nickel-plated brass beryllium copper spring; Insulation: polyproylene.6m 36in (0.13in (54m 0.37mm) 1.92in (201.20in (56mm)
BNC Male with Molded Strain Relief MultiStacking Banana Plugs
, 8.55in J
~ (39.
w m
*see rating message start section.05m )
2nd End: ouble Banana lugs.9m 48in (1.5m )
Im pedance: ating: Vrms Vdc, 6A.37m .9m 48in (1.54mm) See chart page additional wire and cable specifications. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.5m 24in (0.5m )
BNC Male with Molded Strain Relief Square Pin Receptacles
7.19in (55.2m 60in (1. odel# 4945-K-18 4945-K-24 4945-K-36 4945-K-48 4945-K-60 Length 18in (0.6m 36in (0. Cable Type RG58C/U Rating: Maximum voltage hands free use.
Ideal for use with binding posts