Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
Pomona. Stainless-steel sharp-point.2m leads fit ost DMMs from Fluke, (Agilent), Meterman, probe, Greenlee and others. fort-grip probe.5in )------------------ •{ Plug Type 5519A 6365 6366 5898 5309A 5517A Standard tip Nickel/brass Standard tip Nickel/brass Standard tip Nickel/brass Stainless steel heavy-duty tip Stainless steel heavy-duty tip Standard tip Nickel/brass Right-angle DMM (1) Straight DMM (2) Retractable sleeve (5) Right-angle DMM (1) Stacking banana (3) Right-angle Simpson Plugs (1) Ratings CAT III 1000V* CAT III 1000V* CAT III 1000V* CAT III 1000V* 00V 00V ** * 1 M onolithic probes with fixed tips.52mm) Tip Probes -4 5in (123.19mm - M ode Probe Tip 6469 6470 6472 6477 5950A 5951A Gold-plated icrotip pogo Gold-plated icrotip pogo Gold-plated icrotip pogo Stainless-steel sharp-point Stainless-steel sharp-point Nickel-plated brass 1 Plug Type Right-angle DMM (1) Straight DMM (2) Stacking banana (3) Right-angle DMM (1) Straight banana (4) Right-angle banana (6) 5. Gold plated icro tip pogo. lta hands free use. 0. > l> Its > < l> Replaceable 0. For Plug Type, see below. ' tin com pliance and erso ty, and lta exceed dc. Right-angle DMM (1) eplacem ent Tips 5. Silicone insulated (1. I Ratings CAT III 1000V* * 1 | Sharp gold-plated plunger tip. use irc its tra tre can excee rated ltag e. Sharp gold-plated plunger tip.52m tip diameter. See page for more probe tips. Standard brass. See page for more probe tips. Plug Types Right-angle DMM plug* Straight DMM plug* Stacking banana plug Straight banana plug Retractable sleeve banana plug Right-angle banana plug * fit fro Fluke, ile t), rs. riple-point gold-plated pogo pin. Probe Kit with Full Set 0. Silicone insulated (1.060in (1. fort-grip probe handle. Ratings CAT III 1000V* CAT III 1000V* 00V CAT III 1000V* 00V 00V ** * 1 n> 3 I> • New 0.2m leads. Durable 080 tips long life. riple-point gold-plated pogo pin.85in 23.06in (1.06in (1. * tin For lia rso ty, han lta exceed lta fre use: use irc its tra stre can exceed lta .060in (1. Standard brass. eplacem ent tip ila 6475. Gold-plated icro tip pogo. E S DMM rie and Kits Replacement DMM Test Lead Sets with Fixed Tips 62 f*-----------------5.52mm) Replacement Tips ■4.52m diam eter solid and pogo-pin probe tips can easily replaced ith out tools making this versatile probe the perfect tool nearly every test. Stainless-steel sharp-point.19m )- Plug Type 5676A Hand held DMM probe set Two test probes with full set all probe tips (10 tips total). w tro m W *//ř é