Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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Right-angle DMM (1) eplacem ent Tips 5.Pomona. use irc its tra tre can excee rated ltag e. Stainless-steel sharp-point.52m diam eter solid and pogo-pin probe tips can easily replaced ith out tools making this versatile probe the perfect tool nearly every test. * tin For lia rso ty, han lta exceed lta fre use: use irc its tra stre can exceed lta . Durable 080 tips long life. 0. Silicone insulated (1.2m leads fit ost DMMs from Fluke, (Agilent), Meterman, probe, Greenlee and others. Plug Types Right-angle DMM plug* Straight DMM plug* Stacking banana plug Straight banana plug Retractable sleeve banana plug Right-angle banana plug * fit fro Fluke, ile t), rs. lta hands free use. ' tin com pliance and erso ty, and lta exceed dc.19mm - M ode Probe Tip 6469 6470 6472 6477 5950A 5951A Gold-plated icrotip pogo Gold-plated icrotip pogo Gold-plated icrotip pogo Stainless-steel sharp-point Stainless-steel sharp-point Nickel-plated brass 1 Plug Type Right-angle DMM (1) Straight DMM (2) Stacking banana (3) Right-angle DMM (1) Straight banana (4) Right-angle banana (6) 5. Silicone insulated (1.060in (1. riple-point gold-plated pogo pin.2m leads.060in (1. For Plug Type, see below. I Ratings CAT III 1000V* * 1 | Sharp gold-plated plunger tip.52m tip diameter.85in 23.06in (1.5in )------------------ •{ Plug Type 5519A 6365 6366 5898 5309A 5517A Standard tip Nickel/brass Standard tip Nickel/brass Standard tip Nickel/brass Stainless steel heavy-duty tip Stainless steel heavy-duty tip Standard tip Nickel/brass Right-angle DMM (1) Straight DMM (2) Retractable sleeve (5) Right-angle DMM (1) Stacking banana (3) Right-angle Simpson Plugs (1) Ratings CAT III 1000V* CAT III 1000V* CAT III 1000V* CAT III 1000V* 00V 00V ** * 1 M onolithic probes with fixed tips. riple-point gold-plated pogo pin. See page for more probe tips. Standard brass. fort-grip probe. fort-grip probe handle. Standard brass. See page for more probe tips.52mm) Tip Probes -4 5in (123.52mm) Replacement Tips ■4. Ratings CAT III 1000V* CAT III 1000V* 00V CAT III 1000V* 00V 00V ** * 1 n> 3 I> • New 0. Sharp gold-plated plunger tip. Gold-plated icro tip pogo. > l> Its > < l> Replaceable 0.06in (1.19m )- Plug Type 5676A Hand held DMM probe set Two test probes with full set all probe tips (10 tips total). Probe Kit with Full Set 0. Gold plated icro tip pogo. E S DMM rie and Kits Replacement DMM Test Lead Sets with Fixed Tips 62 f*-----------------5. Stainless-steel sharp-point. w tro m W *//ř é . eplacem ent tip ila 6475