Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
83m - BNC (F) BNC BNC (F) BNC (F) BNC (F) SMA (F) SMA (F) BNC (F) BNC (F) BNC (F) BNC (F) SMA (M) SMA (F) BNC (F) PDB - BNC (M) 0.72in (18.38in (9.72in (18.13in (28.85in (21.69m 0.59m 0.85in (21.29m 0.29m 0.29m 0.72in (18.08in (2.35m depth 3751 I Type 2400 2397 2390 2391 2392 2401 2393 2398 2399 4245 3728 4864 2352 None BBE BBE BBE BBE BBE BBE BBE BBE - Connector: Length 0.38in (9. E C S 48 Pomona the place make your connections.29m 0.88in (22.72in (18.59m ) BNC (F) BNC ) Replacement cover Cover screws, 100/pkg onnector screws with solder turret,100/pkg Cover and screw included ith all boxes.59m 0.15m . BBE Blue Baked Enamel 0.69m Type - Connector: Length 0.25in (57.72in (18.03m 1.82in (20.69m Type - Connector: Length 0. The large variety die-cast aluminum connectorized enclosures and phenolic molded therm oplastic boxes are ready house com ponents styles and sizes that will simplify your interconnections.72in (18. From setting system electronics circuitry prototyping creating perm anent junctions, Pomona provides you with the boxes and enclosures securely seal signal sensitive cables and wires.10m 0.29m 0.72in (18.85in (21.29m 0.72in (18.72in (18.72in (18.29m Type - Connector: Length 0. Miniature Size Die Cast Aluminum Box with Cover Connector: ode Finish 3754 3753 3751 3752 4742 4864 2352 None BBE BBE BBE BNC (F) BNC (F) Length 0.85in (21.38in (9.03m ) 4 ^ g a : ± \ • 'a 1 (m 1.59m ) Replacement cover Flange ounting cover Cover screws, 100/pkg Connector screws with solder turret PDB Post, Double Binding Cover and screw included ith all boxes.29m 0.08in (2.Boxes and Enclosures Pomona.72in (18.50in (38.29m 0.29m 0.29m 0.69m 0.88in (22.70m 2. BBE Blue Baked Enamel 0.35m depth t 1 w m .72in (18.38in (9.29m 0