Vac/60 Vdc.9m)
*S td.3m 24in (0.56m O.025in (0.
Hook attaches component leads 0.56m O.61m ),
I odel# 81-4-* 81-8-* 81-12-* 81-18-* 81-24-* 81-36-* 81-48-* 81-60-*
Length 4in (0. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.48in (12.6m) 36in (0.54m i
Minigrabber® Test Clip Miniature Stacking Banana Plug
Cable: AWG Wire, 0. Vac/60 Vdc. Code: Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Gray, White
Cable: AWG Wire, 0. Maximum voltage hands free use. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. 5A, +131°F (+55°C) max. Maximum voltage for hands free use. ating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.62mm).9m )
0.144in (3.D.63m O.9m 48in (1.1m 8in (0.6m |
Miniature Stacking Banana Plug Patch Cord
0.080in (2.6m 36in (0.D. Maximum voltage hands free use. Colors: Black, Red.D.65in (16.Patch Cords and Test Leads
0.2m 12in (0. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. Maximum voltage hands free use.10in (2. ating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc. ating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.064in (1. 3A, +122°F (+50°C) max.37mm)
Cable: AWG Wire, 0. Maximum voltage for hands free use. 5A, +131°F (+55°C) max.21mm) odel# 41-6-* 41-12-* 41-24-* Length 6in (0.63m O. Model 4741-6, one ea. 3000 Vdc.3m) 18in (0.42mm)
*S td. Colors: Black, Red.025in (0.52in (13. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.6m 36in (0.06in (1.025in (0.21mm)
0.52in (13.64mm) Square Pin Jack Patch Cord Kit 0. Colors: Black, Red.6m 36in (0.9m )
Banana Plug Banana Jack
M odel# 02-24-* 02-36-* 02-48-*
Length 24in (0.
0. Maximum voltage for hands free use.03mm) Pin Tip Plug
0. td. 5000 Vdc.2m )
1. td. Cable: AWG Wire, 0.2m 60in (1. ating: ForC compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/60 Vdc.89in (22.5m )
Cable: AWG Wire, 0.
0. Maximum voltage for hands free use.21m O. 300V. Colors: Black, Red.^ l
M odel# 72-24-*
I Length 24in (0.5m 24in (0.087in (2.087in (2.064in (1.52m O.087in (2.9m |
Jaw Opening: 0.3m 18in (0.64mm) Square Pin Jack Patch Cord
0. Maximum voltage for hands free use. Vrms/70 Vdc. ating: ForC compiiance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/60 Vdc. Colors: Black, Red.064in (1. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.6m 36in (0.21mm)
Stacking Pin Tip Plug Patch Cord
1.21m O.
0.5m) 24in (0.63m O. Cable: AWG Wire, 0.64mm) Square Pin Jack 0.19m Colors: Black, Red
Cable: AWG Wire, 0. 3A, +122T (+50°C) max.41in
R mm\ "l
M odel# 60-36-*
I Length 36in (0.D. 3A, +122°F (+50°C) max.35in
/9/1 \
I odel# P-4-* P-8-* -12-* -18-* -24-* -36-*
Length 4in (0. colors. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.6m odel# 84-24-* 84-36-* Length 24in (0.D. 150V.52in (13. td. 15A, +131°F (+55°C) max.D.64mm) Square Pin Jack Straight Banana Plug
M odel# 71-24-* 71-36-*
Length 24in (0.D. 5A, +122°F (+50°C) max.30in (58. ating: ForCE compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.
Alligator Test Clip Insulated Spade Lug
1.30in (7.
w m
.9m 48in (1.51m )
Kit contains pcs. Colors: Black, Red. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.
Cable: AWG Wire, 0.1m 8in (0. Colors: Black, Red. 3000 Vdc.025in (0.D.15m 12in (0. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. ating: ForC compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.144in (3.52in (39.D.2m 12in (0. 5A, +131°F (+55°C) max. Rating: For compliance and person safety, not hold hand when volt ages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.
0.21m O