Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

Strana 58 z 113

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Poznámky redaktora
04mm 86. BBE lue aked nam el 0 ) 3602 3603 m 1 Ť 1 3 ) c a : 3 m 1 3601/3606 2 ) \ b1 4 1 th “E” Size Die Cast Aluminum Box with Cover M odel# Finish 5186 4226 4416 None Blue Baked Enamel Replacement cover 4.57mm Thick.36mm 1.85 1.32in (211.90in 1.29m 0.06mm 37.72in (18.87in (225.59mm 1.48in 0.2mm 37.06mm 37.49in . i.57mm Thick.72 (18.062in, (99. 2.40in 1.062in, (203.69m depth “F” Size Extruded Aluminum Box with Covers 3306 3301 3302 4247 3328 4862 2352 None BBE BBE Connector: Type BNC (F) Length 0. 3.72 (18.85 1.30m 2.40in . w tro m .57mm) Thick.062in, (193. ecom ended ircu Board Sizes: 8.60in 3.48in 0.75in (69.72in (18.57mm Thick.72in (43.57mm) Thick.49in .90in 1. 4226 7.96mm 37.85 (21.85m ) Cover and screws included.33m ) * --------- 1.72 (18.062in, (60.29m Type BNC (F) BNC (M) Connector: Length 0.Pomona.22in (107.00in 1.59 1.29m Type BNC (F) Connector: Length 0.29m ) Replacement cover Flange ounting cover Cover screws, 100/pkg Connector screws ith solder turret C and ith boxes. E S B oxes and nclosures ‘D” Size Die Cast Aluminum Box with Cover 50 3606 3601 3602 3603 4726 2352 None BBE BBE BBE Connector: Type BNC (F) BNC (F) Length 0.59m ) Replacement cover Connector screws ith solder turret C and ith all boxes.19m 8.29m 0.062in, (99. ) BBE lue aked l 3301/3306 ___ ___ 2 ) □a: A 4 ) B I 1 th 3302 Recom ended ircuit Board Sizes: 3