ABB Retrofity vzduchových jističů nn (EN)

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 20 z 148

Poznámky redaktora
A SACE 19 .Retrofitting kits Ordering codes Air circuit-breakers kit Old circuit-breaker lu [A] lcu [kA] New circuit-breaker Retrofitting kit code Otomax 4 poles EMAX 4 poles Verslor P1 800 800 E1B 800A 1SDA050761R1 P1 1250 1250 E1B1250A 1SDA050763R1 P1 1600 1600 E2B1600A 1SDA050764R1 P1 2000 2000 E2B 2000A 1SDA050766R1 P1B 1000 1000 E1B1250A 1SDA050761R1 P1B 1600 1600 E2B1600A 1SDA050763R1 P1B 2000 2000 E2B 2000A 1SDA050764R1 P1B 2500 2500 E3N 2500A 1SDA050766R1 P1C 1000 1000 E1B1250A 1SDA050761R1 P1C 1250 1250 E1B1250A 1SDA050761R1 P1C 1600 1600 E2B1600A 1SDA050763R1 P1C 2000 2000 E2B 2000A 1SDA050764R1 P1C 2500 2500 E3N 2500A 1SDA050766R1 P2 800 800 E2N1250A 1SDA050762R1 P2 1250 1250 E2N1250A 1SDA050763R1 P2 1600 1600 E2N1600A 1SDA050764R1 P2 2000 2000 E2N 2000A 1SDA050766R1 P2B 1000 1000 E2N1250A 1SDA050762R1 P2B 1600 1600 E2N1600A 1SDA050763R1 P2B 2000 2000 E2N 2000A 1SDA050764R1 P2B 2500 2500 E3N 2500A 1SDA050766R1 P2C 1000 1000 E2N1250A 1SDA050762R1 P 1250 1250 E2N1250A 1SDA050762R1 P2C 1600 1600 E2N1600A 1SDA050763R1 P2C 2000 2000 E2N 2000A 1SDA050764R1 P2C 2500 2500 E3N 2500A 1SDA050766R1 P3 1600 1600 E3S 1600A 1SDA050765R1 P3 2000 2000 E3S 2000A 1SDA050766R1 P3B 2000 2000 E3S 2000A 1SDA050765R1 P3B 2500 2500 E3S 2500A 1SDA050766R1 P3C 2000 2000 E3S 2000A 1SDA050765R1 P3C 2500 2500 E3S 2500A 1SDA050766R1 NOTE Kit available only complete with the new circuit-breaker. Air circuit-breaker retrofitting kit has been studied for Otomax and Novomax G30 circuit-breaker draw out version with rear horizontal terminals. Contact the installed circuit- breakers are different version. MAIN ACTIVITIES REQUIRED : • Put out service the panel the entire switchboarc • Carry out the moving part the Otomax Novomax circuit-breaker • Remove the fixed part the Otomax Novomax circuit-breaker • workbench fit the branch connections the fixed part the Emax circuit-breaker • Assemby the Emax fixeC part with retrofitting kit the switchboarC compartment ALL THE RETROFITTING KITS HAVE BEEN STUDIED FOR REPLACEMENT OLD • Dri||ng temp|ates the compartment Coor CIRCUIT- BREAKERS INSTALLED PER INDICATED THE INSTRUCTION MANUALS