ABB Retrofity vzduchových jističů nn (EN)

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 40 z 148

Poznámky redaktora
tio n 1) poles plug for auxiliary applications 2) Upgrade kit for fixed breaker PMP 3) RCSD10 residual current relay 4) Rotary operating mechanism panel's doorfitted with lock and pad­ lock 5) No. No/Nc change-over contact and tripped relay contact 6) Sealable terminal covers 7) Opening solenoid for RCSD10residual current relay S rip tio Type .ty te 0 poles plug for auxiliary applications Complete range 189260002 1 ý Upgrade kit for fixed breaker PMP 769701083 X 4p 769701084 X MRCSD10 residual current relay Complete range, sideplaced 769748010 X Complete range, underplaced 769768010 X Q Rotary operating mechanism panel's door fitted with lock and padlock Complete range 769750400 1 ý No. No/Nc change-over contact and tripped relay contact Complete range 769760300 1 Sealable terminal covers 769771003 X 4p 769771004 X ý Opening solenoid for RCSD10 residual current relay Complete range 769799006 X X Last product available Assembly reserved ABB SACE skilled technician ABB SACE 1/9 1SDC001007D0201 1 Modul