ABB Retrofity vzduchových jističů nn (EN)

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 100 z 148

Poznámky redaktora
3 2 800 400^800 1600^3200 3200^9600 2 1250 625^1250 2500^5000 5000^15000 2 0.5 3 1600 800^1600 3200^6400 6400^16000 2 Example The right code for the order release rated current 800 Delayed short-circuit protection 1600-3200 Fixed delays 0.3s is: UXAB 229302200 2 UXAB Code Rated current (column Delayed short-circuit protection (column Fixed delay (column C) UXAB229302200 2 ABB SACE __________ 2/19 1SDC001007D0201 2 NovomaxG30 .Calibrations table “KS” relais 20 NOVOMAX G30 Release rated current Circuit breakers type Overload protection Delayed short-circuit protection Type UXAB code In G30 800 G30 1250 G30 1600 I1 current settings ranges I1=(0.5*1) In I2 current settings available ranges Fixed delays available T2 (sec) A C KS 229302200 200 100^200 400^800 800^2400 2 0.1 320 160^320 640^1280 1280^3840 1 500 250^500 1000^2000 2000^6000 2 0