this form the commutator and col
lector are made substantially thesame man
ner previously described, except that the. The metal segments are pref
erably copper brass; bnt they may have
a facing edge durable material—such as
60 platinum the like—where the sparks are
liable occur.
ro The. 12c. -
I prefer the form shown Figs.
5 which secure thé disk firmly the sleeve A'. The four seg
ments each part, however, are secured to
their respective sleeves screws g', and 70
oue edge each segment cut away, that
small plates abmay slipped into the spaces
thus formed.
The collector made the same form as
' tin- commutator.w hich
a electrical connection ith etal s
11 ith recesses rts T.
T rts fitted oothly col
lecto eld screw rin H
ag ain tato r
cases, tato revolves hile col- 10c
le cto rem ain sta tio ends e
coils connected bind sts ss,. somewhat modified form my
invention shown, form designed facili
tate the construction and replacing the
65 parts. and 2
30 Jit the insulating-segments both commu
tator and collector loosely and provide some
. The disk held place
by friction . ynam o-electric achine, com *3°
b atio ith tato form ith
d tin seg ith
in latin -sp aces, llecto d
to rface t..metallic segments "EE''are the same or
practically the same width extent the
insulating Segments spaces the commu
tator.I prefer coat them
with platinum silver. means—as, for example, light springs se-
, cured the bands B', respectively, and
bearing against the segments—to exert light
35 pressure upon them and keep them close
contact and compensate for wear.screws, such </, Fig.and collector are made two insulating-disks,
S lieu etal segm ents space
is each rt, correspond- 95
in size etal segm ent. These
plates are, course, u&elul those edges 85
the segments only where sparks are liable to
occur, and, they are easily replaced, they
are great advantage. Light springs d
bear upon these plates and press those the 80
commutator toward those the collector, and
insulating-strips are secured to"the periph
ery the disks prevent the blocks from-
being thrown out centrifugal action. The
commutator and the collector thuspresent-
45 ing two flat and smooth béaring-surfaces pre
vent mechanical action the occurrence of
sparks, and this more effectively accom
plished here done—that say, the
interposition insulating body between
50 the separating plates segments the com
mutator and collector—
-than any other me
chanical devices which aware. composed the two
metallic Segments and the twoinsulating-
segments F', bound together band, 0.382,945
menls arc insulating material.
The insulating-segments are made some
hard material capable being polished and
55 formed with sharp edges.
In Figs, and shown the construction 90
which use when, instead solid segments, a
fluid isemployed. Theother two, bb,areofglass 75
or marble, and they are all preferably square,
as shown Figs, and that they may
be. 3,.
Any convenient means employed hold
the collector that may not turn with the
The circuit line wires are led from the
40 metal segments the collector, being secured,
thereto any convenient manner, the plan of
connections being shown applied modi
fied form the commutator Fig. theseplates arc metal,
and are contact with the metal segments D
D',-respectively. The collector secured asleeve, B',
by screws and the sleeve arranged to
15 turn freely the shaft The end the
•sleeve closed plate, as/, upon which
presses pivot-pointed screw, adjustable in
aspring, II, which acts maintain the col
lector close contact with the commutator
20 and compensate for the play the shaft. •For example, . .
T hese ers recesses filled ith *05
m ercu collector es
W ith screw ot, rry rin X
a isto hich com pensate for
pan sio tractio ercu r
v tem eratu res, ich suffi- c
cie tly stro ield ressu of
th flu ’due: cen trifu action, hich
serv binding-posts.
T segm ents increased,
how ever, ore one tato used
w ith sin ill ell r
stood. The
metal segments the commutator may be
moved forward loosening the screw a'.
•A lthóngh show bearing-surfaces
as lan rig angles axis,
i rtic con
stru tio tly odified ith
o rtu from tio 125
W ith confining yself, erefo re, e
d ils stru ctio hich ^av show in
illu tra tio tio claim as
new is—
1. Inthiseasethecommutator
.have shown slotted
plate, which designed attached to
25 stationary support, and arm extending
from the collector and carrying clamping-
screw, which the collector may ad
justed and set the desired position. Such materials as
glass, marble, soapstone may advanta
geously used.
bands may omitted.
In all abo cases describ com
m single il,an de-
v ice rtic rly ses. The seg
ments are held place band, in
sulating material. turned present new edges should any
edge become worn use