The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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T tato form 95 d isk hich segm ents, ' G sim ila show o o ese segm ents, etal d a electrio connection ith f th anils seg. 3 is view from side 85 m odified form tato 5 a view details ­ g itu tra section odifica­ tio sectio iew sam e. Application filed April 30,1887. SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.ofcommutator-segments, and,fourtli, toin- crease the efficiency and safety and reduce the cost the machine. , 15 The objects tlíc invention ai'e, first,, to avoid the sparking and the gradual wearing away destruction the coinmutator-seg­ ments and brushes collectors resulting therefrom; second, obviate the necessity of 20 readjustmentofthecommutator thebrushes or collectors and other consequences the wear the same; third, render practicable • the construction very large dynamo-electric machines and motors with the minimum mim- 25 ber.) To all whom concern: B known that from Smiljan, Lika, bordercountry ofAustria-Hun­ gary,atpresentresidinginthecity, county, and 5 State New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements Commutators for Dynamo -Electric Machines and Motors, of which the following is-a specification, refer­ ence beingbad the drawings accompanying io and forming part .United States Patent Office. In carrying out invention manner to accomplish these results construct corn- 30 mutator and the collectors therefor two parts mutually adapted one another, and, so £ar the essential features are concerned, alike mechanical structure.of the same.wbilelesseningthe 75 duration the short circuit obviously ,in­ creases the efficiency the machine. May 15,1888. PECK, ENGLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY. The second has the effect of diminishing the destructive effect spark, since this would bein measure proportioned totheduratiOD oftbespark. A atu re-sh aft dy- 90. the first place the short-circuiting aud breaking the armature-coil connected to the commutator-segmentsoccur thesame instant, and from the nature the construc­ tion this will done with the greatest pre- 65 cisioii; secondly, the duration both the break aud that the short circuit will re­ duced minimum. S36. commutator for dynamo-electric machines. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. (No model. This invention relates dynamo electric machines motors, and improvement in the devices for commutating and collecting the currents. Serial No. Selecting as an illustration commutator two segments aS adapted for use with armature the coils or coil which have but two free ends, con­ nected respectively the said segments, the bearing-surface the lace disk, and is formed two metallic quadrant-segments and 40 two insulating-segments the same dimen­ sions, and the face the disk should be smoothed off, that the metal and insulating segments are flush. A sleeve tin aterial d th aft, secu red lace screw a',-o r b ita eans.711. uam o-electric ach otor. Thisis the gen- 55 eral plan the construction wliicTiI have in­ vented; Aside from certain adjuncts, the na­ ture aud functions which will hereinaf­ ter set forth, this iueans commutation,will bo seen possess many important advan- 60 tages. The first resuijts a reduction which amounts practically sup­ pression the spark, sincethe break and the 70 short circuit produce Opposite effects the armature-coil. The part which takes the pláce of,the usual brushes, what term thě 45 '‘collector,” disk the same character as the commutator and having surface simi­ larly formed with two insulating and two me­ tallic segments. The mechanical advantages will better understood referring the accompanying drawings, which— 8c F tra itu section f th ith com u­ ta rrie ereo view e in earin face collector. 382,845, dated. These twoparts are mounted with their laces contact and such man­ ner that the rotation the armature causes the commutator turn upon the collector, whereby the currents induced the coils are taken offby thecollector-segmeutsand thence conveyed off suitable conductors leading from the collector-segments., ASSIGNOR ONE-HALF CHARLES F