The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

Freely available at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

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Poznámky redaktora
tThe combination, with commutator 15 formed disk with alternate terminals or segments conducting and insulating ma­ terial, collector similarly forméd and mounted with its face contact with that Of the commutator, set forth. NIKOLA TESLA. the insulating-space between thecommutator-segments,asset forth. 8. ‘ 20 The combination,withacommutatorhav- ,849 ing bearing-surface formed alternate sec­ tions conducting and insulating material, of collectorwith asimilarandsymmetrically- formed bearing-surface and means for apply­ ing spring-pressure force the two bearing- 25 surfaces together, set forth. Witnesses: Kobt. Gaylord, Frank artley. Signed,, this 21st day April, 1887. 2. The combination,with commutator and a collector the bearing-surfaces which are identical respect the disposition the conducting ánd insulating parts, meansfor 30 applying spring-pressure maintain the two bearing-surfacesin contact and meansfor hold­ ing the collector against rotary movement, as set forth.a 382, and formed with conducting terminals seg­ ments equal extent to. .. The combination, with commutator 5 built formed alternate blocks seg­ ments conducting and insulating material, of collector adapted bear upon the surface of the commutator and formed conducting blocks segments ofa width extent equal io that the insulating-segments the com­ mutator and separated interposed blocks or segments insulating -material, de­ scribed. 5