tThe combination, with commutator
15 formed disk with alternate terminals or
segments conducting and insulating ma
terial, collector similarly forméd and
mounted with its face contact with that Of
the commutator, set forth.
NIKOLA TESLA. the insulating-space
between thecommutator-segments,asset forth.
8. ‘
20 The combination,withacommutatorhav-
ing bearing-surface formed alternate sec
tions conducting and insulating material,
of collectorwith asimilarandsymmetrically-
formed bearing-surface and means for apply
ing spring-pressure force the two bearing- 25
surfaces together, set forth.
Kobt. Gaylord,
Frank artley.
Signed,, this 21st day April, 1887.
2. The combination,with commutator and
a collector the bearing-surfaces which are
identical respect the disposition the
conducting ánd insulating parts, meansfor 30
applying spring-pressure maintain the two
bearing-surfacesin contact and meansfor hold
ing the collector against rotary movement, as
set forth.a
and formed with conducting terminals seg
ments equal extent to.
.. The combination, with commutator
5 built formed alternate blocks seg
ments conducting and insulating material,
of collector adapted bear upon the surface
of the commutator and formed conducting
blocks segments ofa width extent equal
io that the insulating-segments the com
mutator and separated interposed blocks
or segments insulating -material, de