11. 95
12. apparatus for utilizing electrical 80
effects disturbances transmitted through
the natural media, the combination with a
source such effects disturbances acir-
cuit connecting points distance from the
source between which difference poten- 85
tial created such effects disturbances,
a storage device included such circuit and
adapted charged with the energy sup
plied the same, receiving-circuit con
nected with the storage device, receiver in- 90
eluded such receiving-circuit, and means
for closing the receiving-circuit and thereby
causing the receiver operated the
energy accumulated the storage device,
substantially described. apparatus for utilizing electrical
effects disturbances transmitted through
the natural media, the combination cir- 115
cuit connecting points distance from the
source between which difference potential
is created such effects disturbances, a
storage device included such circuit and
adapted charged with the energy sup- 120
plied the same, receiving-circuit, re
ceiver included such circuit, and means for
connecting the receiving-circuit with the stor
age device for periods time predetermined
as succession and duration and thereby 125
causing the receiver operated the en
ergy accumulated the storage device, sub
stantially described. apparatus for utilizing electrical
effects disturbances transmitted through
the natural media, the combination with a
source such effects disturbances a
40 charging-circuit adapted energized by
the action such effects disturbances, a
storage device included the charging-cir
cuit and adapted charged thereby,
means for commutating, directing select-
45 ing the current impulses the charging-cir
cuit render them suitable for charg
ing the storage device, receiving-circuit,
and means for discharging the storage device
through the receiving-circuit arbitrary in-
50 tervals time, substantially described. apparatus for utilizing electrical
effects disturbances transmitted dis
tant receiving-station, the combination with
a source such effects disturbances a
circuit distant from the source and adapted 70
to have current impulses set the
action the effects disturbances, con
denser, means for commutating, directing or
selecting the impulses and connecting the cir
cuit with the condenser succeeding inter- 75
vals time synchronizing with the impulses,
a receiving-circuit, and means for period
ically discharging the condenser through the
receiving-circuit, substantially described.
riodically discharging the storage device
through the receiving-circuit, substantially
65 described.685,955
and adapted charged thereby, means
for commutating, directing selecting the
current impulses the charging-circuit, a
receiving-circuit, and means for discharging
S the condenser through the receiving-circuit,
substantially described. apparatus for utilizing electrical
effects disturbances transmitted through 130
the natural media, the combination cir
cuit connecting points distance from the
source between which difference potential
is created such effects disturbances, a
5. apparatus for utilizing electrical
effects disturbances transmitted dis
tant receiving-station, the combination with
a source such effects disturbances a
55 circuit distant from the source and adapted
to have current impulses set the
action the effects disturbances, stor
age device, means for commutating, directing
or selecting the impulses and connecting the
60 circuit with the storage device succeeding
intervals time synchronizing with the im
pulses, receiving-circuit, and means for.
4. apparatus for utilizing electrical
effects disturbances transmitted through
the natural media, the combination with a
ro source such effects disturbances a
charging-circuit adapted energized by
the action such effects disturbances, a
storage device included the charging-cir
cuit and adapted charged thereby,
15 means for commutating, directing select
ing the current impulses the charging-cir
cuit reader them suitable for charg
ing the storage device, receiving-circuit,
and means for discharging the storage device
20 through the receiving-circuit, substantially
as described.
8. apparatus for utilizing electrical
effects disturbances transmitted through
the natural media, the combination with a
source such effects disturbances cir
cuit distance from the source which 100
energized such effects disturbances, a
storage device adapted charged with the
energy supplied such circuit,, means for
connecting the storage device with the said
circuit for periods time predetermined 105
to succession and duration, receiving-cir
cuit connected with the storage device, re
ceiver included such receiving-circuit, and
means for closing the receiving-circuit and
thereby causing the receiver operated no
by the energy accumulated the storage de
vice, substantially described. apparatus for utilizing electrical
effects disturbances transmitted through
the natural media, the combination with a
25 source such effects disturbances a
charging-circuit adapted be-energized by
the action such effects disturbances, a
condenser included the charging-circuit
and adapted charged thereby, means
30 for commutating, directing selecting the
current impulses the charging-circuit as
to render them suitable for charging the con
denser, receiving-circuit, and means for dis
charging the condenser through the receiv-
35 ing-circuit, substantially described