apparatus for utilizing electrical
effects disturbances transmitted through
the natural media, the combination ofa charg
ing-circuit distant from the source and ener
gized the effects disturbances, eon-
45 denser included the charging-circuit, means
included the charging-circuit and actingin
synchronism with the impulses therein for
commutating, directing selecting the im
pulses, receiving-circuit and means for pe-
50 riodically discharging the condenser through
the receiving circuit, substantially de
scribed. apparatus for utilizing electrical
effects disturbances transmitted through
the natural media, the combination eir-
15 emit connecting points distance from the
sou rce,between which difference ofpotential
is created such effects disturbances, a
condenser included such circuit and adapt
ed charged the current the same,
20 receiving-circuit connected with the con
denser, receiver included such receiving-
circuit, and device adapted close the re
ceiving-circuit arbitrary intervals time
and thereby cause the receiver operated
25 the electrical energy accumulated the
condenser, substantially described. apparatus for utilizing electrical )
effects disturbances transmitted through
the natural media, the combination charg-
30 ing-circnit distant from the source and ener
gized the effects disturbances, storage
device included the charging-circuit, means
included the charging-circuit and acting in
synchronism with the impulses therein for
'ŠIT commutating, directing selecting the im
pulses, receiving-circuit and means for
periodically discharging the storage device
through the receiving-circuit, substantially
as described. apparatusfor transmittingsignals
or intelligence through the natural media from
a sending-station distant point, the com
bination generator transmitter adapted
to produce arbitrarily varied intermitted 95
electrical disturbances effects the natu
ral media, circuit the distant point adapt
ed receive corresponding electrical im
pulses disturbances from the disturbances
or effects transmitted, storage device in- too
eluded such circuit and adapted be
charged thereby, receiving -circuit con
nected with the storage device, receiver in
cluded the receiving-circuit and device
for closing the receiving-circuit arbitrary 105
intervals time and thereby causing the re
ceiver operated the energy accumu
lated the storage device, substantially as
storage device adapted charged with the
energy supplied such circuit for succeed
ing and predetermined periods time, re
ceiving-circuit, receiver included there-
5 ceiving-circuit, and means for connecting the
receiving-circuit with the storage device for
periods time predetermined succes
sion and duration and thereby causing the re
ceiver operated the energy accumu-
io iated the storage device, substantially as
described. Titus,
Leonard Curtis. apparat for transmittingsignals
or intelligence through the natural media from
55 sending-station distant point, the com
bination agenerator transmitter adapted
to produce arbitrarily varied intermitted
electrical disturbances effects the natu
ral media, charging-circuit the distant
point adapted receive corresponding elec- 60
trical impulses effects from the disturb
ances effects produced, storage device
included the charging-circuit, means in-'
eluded the charging-ci.
40 15.
through the receiving-circuit, substantially
as described.rcuit and acting in
synchronism with the impulses therein for 65
commutating, directing selecting the im
pulses render them suitable for charg
ing the storage device, receiving-circuit and
means for periodically discharging the stor
age device through the receiving-circuit, sub- 70
stantially described. apparatus for transmittingsignals
or intelligence through the natural media from
a sending-station distant point, the com
bination generator transmitter adapted 75
to produce arbitrarily varied intermitted
electrical disturbances effects the natu
ral media, charging-circuit the distant
point adapted receive corresponding elec
trical impulses effects from the disturb- 80
ances effects produced, condenser in
cluded the charging-circuit, means included
in the charging-circuit and acting syn
chronism with the impulses therein for com
mutating, directing selecting the impulses 85
so render them suitable for charging
the condenser, receiving-circuit and means
for periodically discharging the .