The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Obviously the special appliances used in carrying out invention may varied in many ways without departing from the spirit 55 the same. apparatus for utilizing electrical 115 effects disturbances transmitted through the natural media, the combination with a source such effects disturbances a charging-circuit adapted energized by the action such effects disturbances, 120 storage device included the charging-cir­ cuit and adapted charged thereby, means for commutating, directing select­ ing the current impulses the charging-cir­ cuit, receiving-circuit, and means for dis- 125 charging the storage device through the re­ ceiving-circuit, substantially described. apparatus for utilizing electrical effects disturbances transmitted through the natural media, the combination with 105 source such effects disturbances a charging-circuit adapted energized by the action such effects disturbances, a storage device included the charging-cir­ cuit and adapted charged thereby, re- no ceiver, and means for causing the receiver to be operated the energy accu mulated the storage device arbitrary intervals time, substantially described. When thus modified, the apparatus'appears shown Fig. Another way using the apparatus with impulses the same direction take off one pair brushes, disconnect the plate 25 from brush and join directly the terminal the condenser, and connect brush with brush a’. Operated this manner and assuming the 30 speed rotation cylinder the same, the apparatus will now evidently adapted for number impulses per unit time twice great the preceding ease. apparatus for utilizing electrical effects disturbances transmitted through the natural media, the combination with 130 source such effects disturbances a charging-circuit adapted energized by the action such effects disturbances, a I condenser included the charging-circuit . 3. also evident that •$3 a device such have already referred td which offers more ready passage impulses of one sign permits only impulses the 70 same sign pass may also used perform this selective function many cases when alternating impulses are received. 2. 2. It will seen that the use inven­ tion results hitherto unattainable utilizing disturbances effects transmitted through 85 natural media maybe readily attained, since however great the distance such transmis­ sion and howeverfeeble attenuated the im­ pulses received enough energy may accu­ mulated from them storing the energy 90 of succeeding impulses for sufficient inter­ val time render the sudden liberation of highly effective operating receiver. some arbitrary manner—for example, pro­ duce longer and shorter successions im- 43 pulses, corresponding the dashes and dots of the Morse alphabet—and the receiving de­ vice will respond and indicate these varia­ tions intermittences, since the storage de­ vice will charged and discharged number 50 times corresponding the duration the successions impulses received.685,955 puisés are very feebie, as-when coming from a great distance when desired operate a receiver very rapidly, then any the well- known devices capable responding very S feeble influences may used this connec­ tion. If instead the alternating impulses short impulses the same direction are conveyed to the plates and P', the apparatus de- io scribed may still readily used, and for this purpose merely necessary shift the brushes and into the position indi­ cated the dotted lines, while maintaining the same conditions regard synchronism 15 before, that the succeeding impulses will permitted pass into the condenser, but prevented from returning the ground or transmitting medium during the intervals between them, owing the interruption dur- 2o ing such intervals the connections leading from the condenser-terminals the plates. When the impulses are long and all the same direc­ tion, and even when they are alternating but 75 sufficiently long duration and sustained in electromotive force, the brushes and may be adj usted bear the parts of the cylinder the cylinder and its brushes may omitted and the terminals the con- 80 denser connected directly the plates P and P'. 100 What claim invention, and desire to secure Letters Patent, is— 1. In all cases evidently important adjust 35 the duration contact segments and s' with brushes the manner indicated. When the apparatus have described is used connection with the transmission of signals intelligence, will course be 40 understood that the transmitter operated in such way produce disturbances or effects which are varied intermitted . It observed that the function of the cylinder with its brushes and con­ nections, render the electrical impulses coming from the plates and suitable for 60 charging the condenser (assuming them be unsuitable for this purpose the form in which they are received) rectifying them when they are originally alternating di­ rection selecting such parts them as 63 are suitable when all are not, and any other device performing this function willobviously answer the purpose. In this way receivers variety forms may made respond effect!vety im- 95 pulses too feeble detected made to produce any sensible effect any other way which aware—a result great value scientific research well vari­ ous applications practical use