In this ease the plates and are firstcon-
nected two properly -selected points of
the earth, the speed rotation the cyl
inder varied until made turn 95
synchronism with the alternate impulses of
the generator, and, finally, the position the
brushes and adjusted angular dis
placement, usual, other ways, that
they are contact with the segments and 100
during the periods when the impulses are
at near the maximum their intensity. The plates and through which the
electrifications are conveyed the brushes 70
a and may considerable distance
from each other and both the ground or
both the air one the ground and the
other the air, preferably some height,
or they may connected conductors ex- 75
tending some distance the terminals
of any kind apparatus supplying electrical
energy which obtained from the energy of
the impulses disturbances transmitted
from distance through the natural media. consists cylinder
20 insulating material, which moved at
a uniform rate speed clockwork other
suitable motive power and provided with
two metalrings B', upon which bear brushes
a and a', which are connected, respectively,
25 the manner shown the terminal plates
P and P', above referred to. adjustment the speed
of rotation the cylinder and displace-
65 ment the brush 7
c along the cylinder the
circuit may made open aud close as
rapid succession and remain open closed
during such intervals time may de
There are number well-known devices,
5 either without any moving parts terminals
or with elements reciprocated rotated by
the application suitable force, which offer
a more ready passage impulses one sign
or direction than those the other per-
io mit only impulses one kind order suc
cession traverse path, and any these
or similar devices capable fulfilling the re
quirements may used carrying in
vention into practice. The latter are
connected the terminals and con-
35 denser and should understood that
they are capable angular displacement as
ordinary brush-supports. the present case
this device consists cylinder made partly
of conducting aud partly insulating mate-
50 rial and e', respectively, which rotated
at the desired rate speed any suitable
means. One such device of
15 familiar construction which will serve con
vey clear understanding this part my
invention and enable person skilled the
art apply the same illustrated the
annexed drawings. no
may state, however, that for practical pur
poses the present ease only necessary
to shift the brushes back and forth until the
maximum effect secured.
The speed rotation the cylinder being 120
adjustable will, the energy any number
of separate impulses may thus accumu
lated potentialform and dischargedthrough
the receiver upon the brush coming in
contact with one the segments will 125
be course understood that the capacity of
the condenser should such allow the
storing much greater amount energy
than required for the ordinary operation
of the receiver. The above re
quirements being fulfilled, electrical charges 115
of the same sign will conveyed each of
the condenser-terminals the cylinder is
rotated, and with each fresh impulse the con
denser will charged higher potential. Theobjectof using
two brushes, band 5', each the holders
h and vary will the duration the
40 electric contact the plates and with the
terminals and T', which connected
a receiving-circuit, including receiver R
and device the kind above referred to,
which performs the duty closing the re-
45 ceiving-circuit predetermined intervals of
time and discharging the stored energy
through the receiver. Since this method rela- 130
tively great amount energy and suit
able form maybe made available for the op
eration receiver, the latter need not be
very sensitive; but course when the im-
Only ordinary electrical skill and knowl
edge are required make these adjustments,
and number devices for effecting syn- 105
chronous movement being well known aud it
being the chief object present applica
tion set forth novel apparatus embodying
a general principle detailed description of
such devices not considered necessary.
This may the case, for example, when
such generator used for purposes sig
naling one the ways before enumerated,
as having its terminals connected two 90
points the earth distant from eacli other.685,955 3
of the proper quality and order succes
sion enable the required amount poten
tial energy stored the condenser. The conducting part good
electrical connection with the shaft and is
provided with tapering segments upon
55 which slides brush 7
c, supported con-
ducting-rod 7
, capableof longitudinal adjust
ment metallic support Another
brush arranged tobear upon the shaft S,
and will seen that whenever one the
60 segments comes contact with the brush
cthe circuit including the receiver com
pleted and the condenser discharged through
the same. From the rings
B extend narrow metallic segments and
s', which the rotation the cylinder A
are brought alternately into contact with dou-
30 ble brushes and 6', carried and con
tact with conducting-holders and h', which
are adjustable longitudinally the metallic
supports and D', shown. 80
In illustration the operation the de
vices described let assumed that alter
nating electrical impulses from distant gen
erator, are transmitted through the
earth and that desired utilize these 85
impulses accordance with method