modified form 80
or arrangement the same. This the case when, for ex
ample, each the plates terminals re- 125
ceives electricity rapidly-changing sign or
even when each receives electricity the
same sign, but only during periods which are
short compared with the intervals sepa
rating them. this amount consequently de
pendent the energy conveyed the re
ceiver one single impulse, evidently
necessary employ either very large and
costly, and therefore objectionable trans-
45 mitter, else resort the equally objection
able use receiving device too delicate
and too easily deranged. will
nowbe readily seen that the disturbances, of
whatever nature they may be, cause definite
amounts electricity the same sign be
conveyed each the plates electrodes 110
above mentioned either continuously at
intervals time which are sufficiently long
the condenser will charged certain po
tential and adequate amount energy
being thus stored during the time determined 115
by the device effecting the discharge the
condenser the receiver w
ill periodically
operated the-electrical energy accumu
lated; but very often the character the
impulses and the conditions their use are 120
such that without further provision not
enough potential energy would accumu
lated the condenser operate the receiv
ing device. Furthermore, the
energy obtained through the cooperation of
the impulses the form extremely-rapid
50 vibrations and because this unsuitable
for the operation ordinary receivers, the
more this form energy imposes nar
row restrictions regard the mode and
time its application such devices.
The apparatus which employed the re
ceiving-station, described general terms,
consists the combination storage de
vice included circuit connecting points at
65 adistancefromthesourceof the disturbances
and between which difference potential
is created such disturbances, receiving-
circuit connected with the storage device, a
receiver included such receiving-circuit,
and means for closing the receiving-circuit 70
at any desired moment, and thereby causing
the receiver operated the energy with
which the storage device has been charged.685,955
I have devised and which are now well known
important practical advantages are this
respect secured. such instances resort 130
the use special device which insert in
the circuit between the plates and the con
denser for the purpose conveying each
1of the terminals the latter electrical charges
. To
55 overcome these and other limitations and dis
advantages which have heretofore existed in
such systems transmission signals in
telligence the object invention,which
comprises novel form apparatus for ac-
60 complishing these results. These losses reduce greatly both the
35 intensity and the number the cooperative
impulses, and since the initial intensity of
each these necessarily limited only an
insignificant amount energy thus made
available for single operation the re-
40 ceiver. This device
may merely consist two stationary elec- 100
trades separated feeble dielectric layer
of minute thickness, may comprise ter
minals one more which are movable and
actuated any suitable force and are adapt
ed brought into and out contact with 105
each other any convenient manner. these means decided advantages
have been secured many instances; but
very often the improvement either not ap
plicable all the gain very slight.
At any two points the transmitting me
dium between which there exists may be
obtained any manner through the action
of the disturbances effects investi- 85
gated utilized difference electrical po
tential any magnitude arrange two plates
or electrodes that they may oppositely
charged through the agency such effects
or disturbances, and connect these elec- 90
trades the terminals highly-insulated
condenser, generally considerable capacity.
The best form apparatus for carrying
out invention which now aware 75
and the manner using the same will un
derstood from the following description and
the accompanying drawings, which—
Figure diagrammatic illustration of
such apparatus, and Fig.
25 Evidently when the source one producing
a continuous pressure delivering impulses
of long duration impracticable mag
nify the effects this manner, and when,
on the other hand, one furnishing short
30 impulses extreme rapidity succession
the advantage obtained this way insig
nificant, owing the radiation and the un
avoidable frictional waste the receiving-
circuit. Furthermore, since most
eases the amount energy conveyed the
5 distant circuit hut minute fraction the
total energy emanating from the source, is
necessary for the attainment the best re- 1
suits that whatever the character the re
ceiver and the nature the disturbances as
i much possible the energy conveyed
should made available for the operation of
the receiver, and with this object view I
have heretofore, among other means, em
ployed receiving-circuit high self-induc-
15 tion and very small resistance and pe
riod such vibrate synchronism with
the disturbances, whereby number sepa
rate impulses from the source were made to
cooperate, thus magnifying the effect exerted
20 upon and insuring the action the receiving
To the condenser-terminals also connect the
receiver operated series with de
vice suitable construction which perforins 95
the function periodically discharging the
condenser through the receiver and during
such intervals time may best suitable
for the purpose contemplated