The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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2. However, 25 under certain conditions, which are well un­ derstood those skilled the art, the de­ vices will operate whichever way the second­ ary connected. The method hereinbefore described of utilizing effects disturbances transmitted through the natural media, which consists in 60 charging storage device with energy from an independent source, controlling the charg­ ing said device the action the effects or disturbances, and coincidently using the stored energy for operating receiving de- 65 vice. Similar considerations apply, course, the circuits including the primarvpand secondary re­ spectively. 9. 7. The method hereinbefore described 100 utilizing effects disturbances transmitted through the natural media, which consists in effecting storage, during any desired time interval and under the control such dis­ turbances effects electrical energy de- 105 rived from independent source, and util­ izing the potential energy obtained for operating receiving device. 4. The method hereinbefore described 75 utilizing effects disturbances transmitted through the natural media, which consists in controlling, means such effects dis­ turbances, the charging electrical stor­ age device from independent source and Sc discharging the stored energy through re­ ceiving-circuit. order render the discharged energy the condenser more effective in causing the operation the receiver, the re- io sistanco the primary circuitshould very small and the secondary coil should have a number turns ruany timesgreaterthan that of the primary coil will noted that since the condenser under the above assump- 15 tions always charged the same direction the strongest current impulse the second­ ary coil, which induced the moment when the brush comes contact with seg­ m ent/, also unchanging direction, and 20 for the attainment the best results is necessary connect the secondary coil so that the electromotive force this impulse will added that the battery and will momentarily strengthen the same. Obviously the character the de­ vices and the manner which they are con­ nected related may greatly varied with­ out departing from the spirit myinvention. 55 What claim new, and desire secure by Letters Patent, is— 1. The method hereinbefore described of utilizing effects disturbances transmitted through the natural media from distant 120 source, which consists storing, during suc­ ceeding intervals time determined by means such effects disturbances, elec­ trical energy derived from independent source, and utilizing the potential energy 125 accumulated operate receiving device. preferable make the inductive resistances and relative^ 30 large, they are shunt, the device a and might made too small impair its sen­ sitiveness. 6. 90 0.688,954 e fit the terminals the sensitive device is only momentary duration not longer than the time closure the primary cir­ cuit; otherwise the receiver will actuated 5 number times and iong the influ­ ence the disturbances upon the device a continues. The method hereinbefore described of utilizing effects disturbances transmitted from distant source, which consists charg­ ing the storage device with electrical energy from independent source, controlling the 70 charging said device bjrthe action tlio ef­ fects disturbances, and coincidently using the stored electrical energy for operating the recei ving device. 8. The method hereinbefore described of utilizing effects disturbances transmitted through the natural media, which consists in effecting storage during any desired time interval and under control such effects 95 disturbances, energy derived from in­ dependent source, and utilizing the potential energy obtained for operating receiving device. The method hereinbefore described of utilizing effects disturbances transmitted no through the natural media, which consists in effecting storage condenser during any desired time interval and under the control of such disturbances effects, electrical energy derived from independent source, 115 and utilizing the potential energy obtained for operating receiving device. the other hand, the resistance L" should not too large and should re­ lated the capacity the condenser and 35 the number makes and breaks effected by the device well-known ways. 40 carefully observing well-known rules of scientific design and adjustment the in­ struments the apparatus may made ex­ tremely sensitive and capable responding to the feeblest influences, thus making pos- 45 sible utilize impulses disturbances trans­ mitted from very great distances and too fee­ ble detected utilized any the ways heretofore known, and this account, the method here described lends itself to 50 many scientific and practical uses great value. The method hereinbefore described of utilizing effects disturbances transmitted through the natural media, which consists 85 controlling, means such effects dis­ turbances, the charging electrical con­ denser from independent source, and dis­ charging the stored energy through receiv­ ing-circuit. The method hereinbefore described of utilizing effects disturbances transmitted through the natural media from distant source, which consists storing- con- 130 denser during succeeding intervals time determined means such effects dis­ turbances, electrical energy derived from an independent source, and utilizing the poten- . 3