15. The method hereinbefore described of
utilizing effects disturbances transmitted
through the natural media from distant
source,which consists producing, means
of such effects disturbances, variations 65
resistance circuit including independ
ent electrical source and condenser,thereby
causing the condenser charged with en
ergy from the independent source, and using
the potential electrical energy soaccumulated 70
to operate receiving device. SUNDERLIN. The method hereinbefore described of
15 utilizing effects disturbances transmitted
through the natural media from distant
source, which consists storing con
denser during succeeding intervals time
determined means such effects dis-
20 turbances, electrical energy derived from an
independent source, and using, for periods of
time predetermined succession and du
ration, the accumulated energy obtained to
operate receiving device. The method hereinbefore described of
utilizing effects disturbances transmitted
through the natural media from distant
source, which consists causing, means no
of such disturbances, variations ofresistance
in circuit including independent source
of electricity and condenser and thereby
causing the condenser charged from
such independent source, discharging the en- 115
ergy soaccumulated the condenser through
the primary transformer predeter
mined intervals time and operating re
ceiver the currents developed the
secondary the transformer.
14. The method hereinbefore described of
utilizing electrical effects disturbances
transmitted through the natural media from
a distant source, which consists effecting
by means such disturbances effects a
30 storage storage device electrical en
ergy derived from independent source for
periods time corresponding succession
and duration such disturbances effects,
and discharging the electrical energy ac-
35 cumulated into through receiving device
at predetermined intervals time. The method hereinbefore described of
utilizing effects disturbances transmitted
through the natural media from distant
source, which consists causing, means 75
of such effects disturbances; electrical en
ergy from independent source stored
in storage device, using the electrical en
ergy accumulated operate transformer
and employing the secondary currents from 80
such transformer operate receiving de
vice. The method hereinbefore described of
utilizing effects disturbances transmitted
through the natural media from distant 85
source, which consists causing, means
of such effects disturbances, efectrical en
ergy from independent source stored
in condenser, using the electrical energy so
accumulated operate transformer and 90
employing the secondary currents from such
transformer operate receiving device.685,994 7
tial energy accumulated operate re
ceiving device. Lowenstein,
E. The method hereinbefore described of
50 utilizing electrical effects disturbances
transmitted from distant source, which con
sists producing, means such effects
or disturbances, variations resistance a
circuit including independent electrical
55 source and device adapted charged
with electrical energy therefrom, thereby
causing the storage device charged with
energy from such independent source, and
using the potential electrical energy accu-
60 mulated operate receiving device.
25 12.
18. The method hereinbefore described of
utilizing effects disturbances transmitted
5 through the natural media from distant
source, which consists storing, during suc
ceeding intervals oftime determined means
of such effects disturbances, electrical en
ergy derived from independent source,
io and using, for periods time predetermined
as succession and duration, the accumu
lated energy obtained operate receiv
ing device.
10. The method hereinbefore described of
utilizing electrical effects disturbances
transmitted from distant source, which con-
40 sists effecting means such disturb
ances effects storage condenser of
electrical energy derived from independ
ent source for periods time corresponding
in succession and duration such disturb-
45 ances effects, and discharging the elec
trical energy accumulated into through
a receiving device predetermined intervals
of time.
17. The method hereinbefore described of
utilizing effects disturbances transmitted
through the natural media from distant 95
source, which consists causing, means
of such disturbances, variations resistance
in circuit including independent source
ofelectricity and storage device and thereby
causing the storage device charged from 100
such independentsource, discharging the en
ergy accumulated the storage device
through the primary transformer pre
determined intervals time, and operating
a receiver the currents developed 105
the secondary the transformer