The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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685,954 5 the sensitive device. Its electrical resistance is diminished when acted upon the disturbances and automatically restored upon the cessation their influence. The tubular space between the plugs partially to filled with conducting sensitive powder, as indicated, the proper amount the same and the size its grains being determined and adjusted beforehand experiment. is of advantage employ round grains pow- 25 der the tube, and any event im­ portant that they should uniform size and shape possible and that provision should made for maintaining unchang­ ing and very dry atmosphere the tube. will of course understood that the resistance r" used mainly because convenience and 80 that may dispensed with, which case the adjustment may effected many other ways, determining the proper amount or coarseness the sensitive powder by varying the distance apart the metallic 85 plugs the ends the tube. This tube rotate clockwork other 15 means uniform and suitable rate of speed, and under these conditions find that this device behaves toward disturbances of the kind before assumed manner simi­ lar that stationary cell celenium to- 20 ward rays light. 60 inductive relation the primary p > a secondary coil usually much thinner wire and many more turns than the former, to which are connected series receiver R, (illustrated ordinary magnetic relay,) 65 eontinuonsly-adjustable non-inductive re­ sistance r", battery properly deter­ mined and very constant electromotive force, and finally sensitive device the same or similar construction which likewise rotated uniform speed and which with its 70 brushes closes the secondary circuit. adjustment the speed ro- 55 tation the cylinder and displacement of the brush along the axis the same the cir­ cuit may made open and close rapid succession and remain open closed during such intervals time may desired. This device the present case one familiar construction, consisting insulating-tube, which in­ dicated the heavy lines the drawings and 5 which has its ends closed tightly two con- ducting-plugs with reduced extensions, upon which bear two brushes through which the currents are conveyed the device. The conducting part good electrical connection with shaft and provided with tapering segments, upon which slides a 45 brush 1 c, which should preferably capable of longitudinal adjustment along the cylin­ der. The various instruments be­ ing connected and adjusted the manner de­ scribed, will now readily seen from the foregoing that under normal conditions, the 95 device being unaffected the disturb­ ances, practically so, and there being no or only very insignificant amount energy stored the condenser, the periodical closure of the primary circuit the transformer ico through the operation the device will have appreciable effect upon the primary coil and hence currents will gener­ ated the secondary coil least not such as would disturb the state delicate balance 105 existing the secondary circuit including the receiver, and therefore the latter will not be actuated the battery B'; but when, owing the disturbances impulses propa­ gated through the media from distant no source,an additional electromotive force, how­ ever small, created between the terminals of the device the dielectric layers the same, unable support the increased strain, give way and allow the current the battery r15 B pass through, thus causing difference of potential the terminals and the condenser. Another brush b', which connected to the condenser-terminal T', being arranged to bear upon the shaft will seen that 50 whenever the brush comes contact with a conducting-segment the circuit including the primary will completed and the con­ denser, energized, discharged through the same. the present case this device consists cylinder made partly con­ ducting and partlyof insulating materiále 40 and e', respectively, which rotated the desired rate speed any suitable means. sufficient amount energy being now stored this instrument during the time interval between each two succeed- 120 ing operations the device cl, each closure of the primary circuit the latter results in the passage sudden current impulse through the coil which induces corre­ sponding current relatively high electromo- 125 tive force the secondary coil Owing to this the dielectric the device gives way, and the current the battery being allowed to pass the receiver operated, but only fora moment, since the rotation the de- 130 vices a', and cl, which may all driven from the same shaft, the original conditions are restored, assuming, course, that the electromotive force set thedisturbances . To 30 the terminals and the condenser is connected coil usually consisting a few turns conductor very small resist­ ance, which the primary the transformer before referred to, series with device cl, 35 which effects the discharge the condenser through the coil predetermined inter­ vals time. The same may be said the resistance r', which series with the battery and serves graduate the force the latter, that the dielectric lay­ ers the sensitive device are subjected 90 a similar strain and maintained state of delicate poise. The electromotive force the battery is so graduated means the adjustable re­ sistance that the dielectric layers the sensitive device are strained very nearlj’ ’ 75 to the point breaking down and give way upon slight increase the electrical pres­ sure the terminals the device