will readily seen, how
ever, that the rays are varied any other
way, impressing upon them changes
15 intensity, the succeeding condenser dis
charges will undergo corresponding changes
in intensity, which may indicated re
corded suitable receiver and distin
guished irrespectively duration. 3,
in which the devices already described are
indicated similar letters correspond with
those Fig. The condenser O', which
is generally made considerable capacity,
is connected two opposite points the
bridge, while battery series with no
eontin uously-adjnstable non-inductive resist
ance ?•', connected the other pair op
posite points, usual. Again,
the several instruments maybe connected in
50 the manner Wheatstone bridge, will be
hereinafter explained with reference Fig.
It allows the energy accumulated be
discharged instantaneously, and therefore 70
a highly-effective manner. magnifies a
large degree the current supplied from the
battery,and owing these features permits
energy stored and discharged prac
tically any rate desired, and thereby makes 75
it possible obtain the receiving-circuit
very great changes the current strength by
impressing upon the battery current very
small variations. have
shown that reason its unique properties
it greatly adds the efficacy this method. modified arrangement ap
paratus illustrated which particularly
adapted for the investigation and utilization
of very feeble impulses disturbances, such
as may used conveying signals pro- 90
ducing other desired effects very great dis
tances. find preferable, how
ever, follow the plan which have illus
trated and described. this case will ob-
30 served that the condenser which being
charged from the battery through the resist
ance preferably inductive and properly re
lated the capacity the condenser, will
store less energy when the sensitive device a
35 energized the rays and its resistance
thereby diminished.685,954
cell sensitive device are varied inter
mitted any arbitrary manner, when
transmitting intelligence the usual way
from distant station means short and
5 long signals, the apparatus may readily be
made recoi’d enable operator to
read the message, since the receiver, sup
posing ordinary magnetic relay,
for example, will operated each signal
i from the sending-station certain number of
times having some relation the duration
of each signal. 5—in both
of which figures the various devices are let
tered correspond with those Fig. The four resistances
included the branches the bridge—
namely, L', aud L"—are suitable 115
size and proportioned that under normal
conditions—that is, when the device not
influenced all only slightly the dis
turbances—there will difference po
tential orinanycase the minimum thesame 120
at the terminals and the condenser. may useful
to state that the electrical connections the
various devices illustrated may made in
many different ways.
It assumed the present instance that the
disturbances investigated utilized are
such will produce difference electric po
tential, however small, between two points 125
regions the natural media—as the earth,
the water, the air—and order apply
this potential difference effectively the sen
sitive device the terminals the same are
connected two plates and P',which should 130
be large surface practicable and so
located the media that the largest possible
difference potential will produced by
the disturbances between the terminals of
. 2,
or otherwise connected orrelated; but each
case the sensitive device will have the same
duty perforin—that is, control the en-
55 ergy stored and utilized some suitable way
for causing the operation the receiver in
correspondence with the intermittences or
variations the effects disturbances, and
in each instance judicious selection of
Co the devices and careful adjustment the ad
vantages method may more less
completely secured.
20 With reference Fig. shunt to
the resistance inserted any suitable
way the circuit containing the receiver—
45 for example, illustrated Fig. Other means storage
possessing these characteristics useful 80
degree may employed without departing
from the broad spirit invention; but I
prefer use condenser, since these re
spects excels any other storage device of
which have knowledge. For instance, the sen
sitive device instead, being series, as
25 shown, may shunt the condenser,
this modification being illustrated Fig. The adjustment the
various instruments may then such that
the receiver will operated only when the
rays are diminished intensity interrupt-
40 and entirely prevented from falling upon
the sensitive cell, the sensitive device may
be placed, shown Fig. this case the energy stored the
condenser passed through the primary a
transformer the secondary circuit which
contains the receiver, and order render 95
the apparatus still more suitable for use in
detecting feeble impulses addition the
sensitive device which acted upon the
impulses another such device included in
the secondary circuit the transformer.
65 will observed that the condenser an
important element the combination. that
the figures become self-explanatory. 85
In Fig. The 100
scheme connections the main that of
a Wheatstone bridge the four branches of
which are formed the sensitive device a
and resistances L', and L", all which
should preferably inductive and also ad- 105
jnstable continuous manner least
by very small steps