The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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As the elevation the terminals D', it is obvious that this matter which will be determined number things, the 40 amount and quality the work per- . Obviously the receiving-coils, transform- 65 ers, other apparatus may movable—as, for instance, when they are carried ves­ sel floating the air ship sea. Thus there high mountains in the vicinity the terminals should a 45 greater height, and generally they should al­ ways altitude much greater than that of the highest objects near them. The combination with transmitting in­ strument comprising electrical trans­ former having its secondary connected to ground and elevated terminal respec­ tively, and means for impressing electrical 130 oscillations upon its primary, receiving instrument comprising transformer having its primary similarly connected ground and elevated terminal, and translat- . 3.649,621 ting and receiving circuits are attained, and owing the fact that the points highest po­ tential the coils conductors are coincident with the elevated terminals the 5 maximum flow current will take place in the two coils, and this, further, necessarily implies that the capacity and inductance in each the circuits have such values to secure the most perfect condition synchro- io nism with the impressed oscillatious.. 2. W hat now claim invention is— 1. In the former case the connection one termi­ nal the receiving apparatus the ground might not permanent, but might inter- 70 mittently inductively established without departing from the spirit invention. Thecombinationwithatransmittingcoil or conductor having its ends connected 100 ground and elevated terminal respec­ tively, primary coil inductive relation thereto and source electrical oscillations in said primary circuit, receiving conduc­ tor coil havingits ends connected ground 105 and elevated terminal respectively and adapted excited currents caused to be propagated from the transmitter through the natural medium and secondary circuit in inductive relation the receiving-circuit o and receiving devices connected therewith, as set ordinary conductor. The apparatus the receiving-station re­ sponds the currents propagated from the transmitter manner which will well 55 understood from the foregoing description. When the source current opera­ tion and produces rapidly pulsating oscil­ lating currents the circuit coil cor­ responding -induced currents very-much 15 higher potential are generated the second­ ary coil and since the potential the same gradually increases' with the number turns toward the center and the difference poten­ tial between the adjacent turns eompara- 20 tively small very high potential impractica­ ble with ordinary coils may successively obtained. formed, the condition the atmosphere, and also the character the surrounding country. The-primary circuit the receiver—that is, the thin wire coil A'—is excited the cur­ rents propagated conduction through the intervening natural medium from the trans- 6o initter, and these currents induce the sec­ ondary coil other currents which are util­ ized for operating the devices included the circuit thereof. 125 4. The combination with transmitting in­ strument comprising transformer having its secondary connected ground and ele- 115 vated terminal respectively, and means for impressing electrical oscillations upon its pri­ mary, receiving instrument comprising a transformer having its primary similarly connected ground and elevated ter- 120 minal, and translating device connected with its secondary, the capacity and induct­ ance the two transformers having such values secure synchronism with the im­ pressed oscillations, set forth. As the main object for which the apparatus is designed produce current excess- 25 ively-high potential, this object facilitated by using primary current very consid­ erable frequency; but the frequency the currents large measure arbitrary, for if the potential sufficiently high and the 30 terminals the coils maintained the proper elevation where the atmosphere is rarefied the stratum air will serve con­ ducting medium for the current produced and the latter will transmitted through the 35 air, with, maybe, even less resistance than through. Since by the means described practically any potential ■ that desired may produced, the currents 50 through the air strata may very small, thus reducing the loss the air. It noted that the phenomenon here involved the transmission electrical en­ ergy one true conduction and not 75 be confounded with the phenomena elec­ trical radiation which have heretofore been observed and which from the very nature and mode propagation would render practically impossible the transmission any appre- 80 ciable amount energy such distances as are practical importance. The combination with transmitting coil or conductor connected ground and 85 elevated terminal respectively, and means for producing therein electrical currents oscil­ lations, receiving coil conductor simi­ larly connected ground and elevated terminal, distance from the transmit- 90 ting-coil and adapted excited cur­ rents caused propagated from the same by conduction through the intervening nat­ ural medium, secondary conductor in­ ductive relation the receiving-conductor 95 and devices for utilizing the current the circuit said secondary conductor, set forth