The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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The combination with transmitting 50 coil conductor connected ground and to an elevated terminal respectively receiv­ ing-circuit having period vibration cor­ responding that the transmitting-circuit and similarly connected ground and 55 elevated terminal and arranged that the elevated terminal charged the highest potential developed the circuit, set forth. The transmitting receiving circuit herein described, connected ground and 45 an elevated terminal respectively, and ar­ ranged such manner that the elevated ter­ minal charged the maximum potential developed the circuit, set forth. The combination with transmitting coil 25 conductor connected ground and an elevated terminal respectively, and means for producing electrical currents oscillations in the same, receiving coil conductor similarly connected ground and ele- 30 yated terminal, the said coil coils having a length equal one-quarter the wave length the disturbance propagated, set forth. 7. 5. iS The combination with transmitting in­ strument comprising electrical trans­ former, having its secondary connected to ground and elevated terminal respec­ tively, receiving instrument comprising 2o transformer, having its primary similarly connected ground and elevated ter­ minal, the receiving-coil being synchronized with that the transmitter, set forth. 10. 8. The combination with transmitting coil or conductor connected ground and 35 elevated terminal respectively, and adapted to cause the propagation currents oscil­ lations conduction through the natural medium, receiving-circuit similarly con­ nected ground and elevated termi- 40 nal, and capacity and inductance such that its period vibration the same that of the transmitter, set forth.649,621 ing device connected with its secondary, the capacity and inductance the secondary of the transmitting and primary the receiv­ ing instruments having such values se- 5 cure synchronism with the impressed oscilla­ tions, set forth. 9. NIKOLA TESLA. The combination with transmitting coil or conductor connected ground and ele­ vated terminal respectively, and means for io producing electrical currents oscillations in the same, receiving coil conductor similarly connected ground and ele­ vated terminal and synchronized with the transmitting coil conductor, set forth. Witnesses: P e, M