There are thus produced four dis
turbances during one revolution and the re;
ceiving-cireuit affected four times; but 120
will understood from the foregoing descrip
tion the controlling devices the vessel
that the rudder will moved twice, once to
right and onceto left.
Any movement the rudder beyond pre-
30 determined limit brings this plate under one
or the other the brushes and breaks
the circuit motor that the rudder can
be driven farther that direction, but,
as will understood, the apparatus in
35 condition turn the rudder overto the other
side. The normal positions the 130
handle are therefore when the rudder
is not acted upon, and remains the points
u only long necessary.the latter con
nected flexible conductor with the op
posite pole the main battery. this
50 consideration chiefly which makes advis
able use the two relays K", which other
wise might dispensed with. lly similar contrivances Or
such will readily suggest themselves to
mechauiciansanynumberofdifferentdevices 105
may operated. Since,as be
fore stated, the working the apparatus is
In addition the mechanism described the
vessel may carry any other devices appa
ratus might required for accomplishing
any special object more orless importance. Now preferably place
the handle the switch that when ar- 125
rested points —that is, the right or
left the operator—he reminded that the
vessel being deflected the right left
from its course, which means the control
is facilitated. Its rotation Opposedby spring
m', that normal operation, owing the
fact that the circuits motor are closed 70
but short time, the lever m", which fas
tened one the wheels clockwork M,
with which the armature the motor is
geared, will move but short distance and
upon cessation the current return stop 75
P; but the circuits the motor are
closed and opened rapidly succession,which
operation leaves the rudder unaffected, then
the lever moved greaterangle, com
ing contact with metal plate and finally, 80
if desired, with post n'.
-Both brushes and all times when the
rodder not tnrned more than about forty-
five degrees one side are contact with a
15 long conducting-platé 21, and one brush in
any position the rudder always con
tact with said plate, and . Both the 90
lights may colored, and flashing them
up whenever desired the operator may guide
at night the vessel its course. Hence the
20 motor may always caused rotate in
one direction whatever -may the position
of the rudder, and may caused rotate
in either direction whenever the position of
the rudder less than predetermined an-
25 gle, conveniently forty-five degrees from the
center position. order, however, pre
vent the rudder from being tnrned too far in
either direction, the isolated plate used.
By opening and closing the circuits, motor
F greater number times, preferably de
termined beforehand,the lever brought
in contact with post n', thus closing the cir- 100
cuit the main battery through device 0
and bringing the latter into action aťthe mo
ment desired. like manner the circuit the pro
pelling-motor controlled through brushes
5 and and the segments the outer circle
of contacts head the short segments
40 either side the circle are insulated, the
motor will stopped whenever one the
brushes passes onto one them from
the larger segments 8.
When one these relays, K", active, it
5 continues this circuit through wire 19
through one field-coil set coils the
motor and thence the brush a
similar manner when the other relay 'is
active the circuit continued from wire 18
io . For such
purposes also the standards are provided,
which should painted lively colors, 95
as visible day great distances. This motor
is shown connected series with the arma
ture the steering-motor that when-
65 ever either one the circuits the latter is
closed through relays the motor is
likewise rotated, but all cases the same
direction. and which conveniently
serves for anumber purposes. Upon the lever m"
coming contact with plate the current
of the main battery passes either through one
or other both the lights supported On
standards according the position 85
brushes and relatively the insulating-
segment 23; but since the head carrying
the segments, geared the rudder the po
sition the latter general way deter
mined observing the lights.
Referring now Fig.,800
6 618
leads one the -commutator-brushes, and
from the other brush runs conductor to
one the contacts each relay K". which illustrates
diagrammaticalfy the system practiced
when directing the movements boat, in
this figure designates any source elec- o
trical disturbance oscillations the genera
tion ofwhich controlled suitable switch
containedin box The handleof the switch
is movable one direction only and stops on
four points 11', that the handle 115
passes from stop stop oscillations are pro
duced the source during very short time
interval.through wire 20, the second or'reversing
set field-coils, and brush 2. They should
be also placed far practicable from the
sensitive device order guard the latter
55 againstany action strong varyingcurrents.
It important add that all contact-
45 points where break occurs provision should
be made overcome the sparking and pre-
'vent the oscillation electrical charges in
the circuits, such sparks and oscillations
may affect the sensitive device.
60 way illustration small motor is
shown, Figs