From these
two heads, respectively, contact plates seg
m ts//' extend diametrically opposite
sides the cylinder. One terminal a
battery 7
c" connected one end each of
the relay-coils, the opposite terminal the
brush J', and the opposite ends the relay-
coils the brush and the frame the 90
instrument, respectively.
The operation the relay-magnet and
60 the consequent operation the electromag
n et/, above described, are utilized con
trol the operation the propelling-engine
and the steering apparatus the following
manner: the spindle g', which carries the
65 escapement-disk <7", Figs. Flexible conductors connect
the plates and with the terminals the
propelling motor and the poles the 125
main battery are connected the brushes
5 and respectively, that while the rudder
is straight turned certain angle to
either side the current conveyed through
the brushes and and segments and 130
the propelling-motor The steering-motor
F also driven current taken from the
main battery the following manner: A
conductor from one pole the battery
.and certain deficiencies,well known
to experts, the transmitting apparatus as
heretofore employed, which are large
measure reduced the use improved
high-frequency coils. been established through the magnet and
interrupted the inversion the sensitive
50 device light rod supported guides
on the frame position lifted ex
tension the armature-lever and raise
slightly the armature feeble current
may normally flow through the sensitive de-
55 vice and the relay-magnet which would be
sufficient hold though not draw the arma
ture down, well observe this precau
tion. The sleeve which surrounds the
rod and turned the steering-motor F,
carries disk L', upon the upper face of
which are two concentric circles conduct- 115
ing contact-plates. While one relay, K', energized, its
armature closes circuit through the motor
F, which rotated direction throw the
rudder port.. The plate/' elec- 70
trical connection with the frame the in
strument through the head from which ex
tends, while insulted strips brushes J'
bear upon the free end head the cylin
der and the periphery the same, respec- 75
lively. the other hand, when re- ico
lay active another circuit through the
motor closed, which reverses its direc
tion rotation and shifts the rudder star
board. This secures equal cond uc-
tivity their surfaces and stops their further
deterioration, thus preventing change in
25 the character the gas the space which
they are inclosed. and 10, are two relay-
magnets conveniently placed the rear 85
the propelling-engine. away with the
15 defects the sensitive device, prepare the
particles that they will all respects
as nearly alike possible.
The normal position the cylinder ver
tical, and when turned the manner de-
35 scribed the grains are simply shifted
from one end the other; but inasmuch as
they always fall through the same space and
are subjected the same agitation they are
brought after each operation the relay to
40 precisely the same electrical condition and
offer the same resistance the flow the
battery-current until another impulse from
afar reaches the receiving-circuit.613,809
be due many causes, the unequal size,
weight, and shape the grains, the unequal
pressure which results from this and from the
manner which the grains are usually agi-
5 tated, the lack uniformity the conduc
tivity the surface the particlesowing to
the varying thickness the superficial oxi
dized layer, the varying condition the gas
or atmosphere which the particles are im-
io mersed.
The relav-magneta should such char-
45 acteras respond toa very weak current and
yet bepositive its action. Brushes 3-, and 4
bear upon the inner circle contacts, while
the brushes and bear upon the outer cir
cle contacts. They are manu
factured aspecial tool,insuring theirequal
ity size, weight, and shape, and are then
20 uniformly oxidized placing them for a
given time acid solution predeter
mined strength. Three terminals are thus provided,
one always connection with plate the
other always connection with the plate/',
and the third adapted rest the strips/
and/' succession upon the intermediate 80
insulating-spaces, according the position
in which the commutator brought the
clock-train and the anchor-escapement g. The outer circle contacts
comprises two long plates and opposite 120
sides the disk and series shorter
plates 10, 11, 12, 13, and the front
and rear. These circuits, however, are the
same time utilized for other purposes, and 105
their course is, part, through apparatus
which shall describe before tracing their
K' K", Figs.. consequence
of this arrangement either the relay K"
will energized the brush bears upon
the plate/ or/', respectively, both relays
will inactive while the brush bears upon 95
an insulating-space between the plates and
/'. the under side which o
are secured six brushes, and 6,
Fig. prefer not rarefy the
atmosphere within the sensitive device, as
this has the effect rendering the former
less constant regard its dielectric prop-
30 erties,but merelysecure air-tight inclosure
of the particles and rigorous absence mois
ture, which fatal satisfactory working. and cyl
indery insulating material with conduct
ing plate head each end. insure the re
traction ofits armature e'after the current has
The fixed rod carries insulating disk
or head Fig