The rudder remains the position
to which has been shifted the motor F. the same time
only one the circuits motor F—that con-
15 trolled relay K'—is capable being closed,
since brush which connects with the other,
is out contact with the long segment 21. Under these
conditions the rudder will turned star
board and the circuit motor interrupted
between brushes and C
. Suppose, however, that after the rud-
65 der has been set any angle its middle
position desired shift still farther
in the same direction. The motor is
45 permitted run until the rudder has been
turned sufficiently steer the vessel the
desired direction, when the handle Tis turned
to the point This produces another action
of the relay and brush shifted onto
50 insulation and both relay's and are in
As previously explained, the longest period
of operation which the motor capable
under ordinary conditions use does not
permit the motor shift the arm into
contact with the plate but the handle
T turned with certain rapidity series
of current impulses will directed through
motor but these tend rotate the
motor opposite directions they not
sensibly affect the latter, but act rotate
the motor against the force the coiled
spring. will understood that the
handle held for sufficiently long time
upon either point the motor will simf
ply turn the plate one direction the
other until the circuits motors and are
broken. The movement of
handle the next point throws out both
relays and K", and the next movement
causes shifting the rudder port, and
so on.
The invention which have described will
prove useful many ways. such case the han
dle moved quickly over two points, that
the circuit which would move the rudder in
the opposite direction closed for too short a
time interval produce appreciable ef
fect and allowed rest the third point
until the rudder shifted the desired po
sition, when the handle moved the next
point, which again throws out both relays K'
and K". The improvement the art control
ling the movements and operation vessel
or vehicle, herein described, which consists
in establishing region waves disturb
ances, and actuating their influence ex
erted distance the devices suchvessel
or vehicle,which controlthe propelling, steer-
ingand other mechanism thereon, setforth.
2. This, has been pre
viously explained, turns the cylinder,/ and
causes the brush pass from insulation
30 onto the contactj'.613,809 7
very sure, theoperator enabled perform
any such operations provision made for
without even seeing the vessel.
The manner using the apparatusand the
5 operation the several instrumentalities
comprising the same detail follows:
Normally the plate turned that brush
2 rests upon the insulated segment and
brush upon one the insulated short seg-
ro ments the rear the circle.
Having now described invention, what
I claim is—
1. The improvement the art control
ling the movements and operation vessel
or vehicle herein described, which consists in
producing waves disturbance's which are
conveyed the vessel the natural media,
actuating thereby suitable apparatus the
vessel and effecting the control the pro
pelling-engine, the steering and other mech
anism the operation the said apparatus,
as set forth.
Assuming now that desired start the
vessel and direct given point, the han
zo dle turned from its normal position on
point the point the switch-box.
3. The battery thus
closed through relay K", and the latter closes
that circuit the motor which, starting
from plate 22, which permanently con
nected with one pole the main battery, is
35 completed through the brush the field of
motor wire 19, the armature relay K",
wire 10, the motor the brushes and com
mutator mqtor and wire the oppo
site terminal the battery Motor is
40 thus set operation shift the rudder to
port; but the movement plate which
follows brings the brush back onto segment
8 and closes the circuit the propelling-mo
tor which starts the vessel.
If then desired shift starboard,
or the opposite direction that which
55 was last moved, the handle simply
turned point and allowed remain there
until the motor which now operated
by relay K', the circuit which closed
by strip coming into contact with plate
60 has done its work. Vessels ve
hicles any suitable kind may used, as
life, despatch, pilot boats the like, for
carrying letters, packages, provisions, in
struments, objects, materials any de
scription, for establishing communication
with inaccessible regions and exploring the
conditions existing the same, for killing or
capturing whales other animals the sea,
and for many other scientific, engineering, or
commercial purposes; but the greatest value
of, invention will result from its effect
upon warfare and armaments, for reason
of its certain and unlimited destructiveness
it will tend bring about and maintain per
manent peace among nations.
This sends out electrical disturbance,
which, passing through the receiving-circuit
on the vessel, affects the sensitive device A'
25 and starts the flow current through the lo
cal circuit, including said device, the relay a,
and the battery o'. furthermore evident that one
relay will always operative-to
start the motor F. The improvement the art control
ling the movements and operation vessel