60 should stated advance regard to
the sensitive devices above mentioned, which
may broadly considered belonging to
one class, inasmuch the operation all
of them involves the breaking down a
65 minute thickness highly-strained dielec
tric, that necessary make some provi
sion for automatically restoring the dielec
tric its original unimpaired insulating quali
ties order enable the device used
in successive operations. shows the same mechanism in
side elevation. Fig. Fig. end view the 125
same. Fig. sideview de
tail the mechanism. Fora better understanding
of these and other details the invention as
I now carry them out would refer the ac- 115
companying drawings, which—
Figure plan view vessel and
mechanism within the same. lon
gitudinal section the same, showing the in
terior mechanism side elevation.
The narrower the range vibrations which
are still capable perceptibly affecting' the
receiving-circuit the safer will the latter be
against extraneous disturbances. Fig. 130
Fig. this instance failure or
defective action any part the apparatus
might have disastrous consequences and such
cases which the sure and timely working
of the machinery paramount importance 100
mayoften present themselves practice, and
this consideration has impressed with the
necessity doing away with the defects in
the present devices and procedures and of
producing apparatus which while being 105
sensitive will also most reliable and posi
tive its action. plan view, en
larged scale, portion the controlling
mechanism. Fig. central
sectional view, larger scale, sensitive
device forming part the receiving-circuit. the arrangement here
inafter described these defects are overcome
in most satisfactory manner, enabling thou
sands successive operations, all respects o
alike, being performed the controlling ap
paratus without single irregularity miss
being recorded. diagrammatic illustration the
system its preferred form. This usually ac- 70
complished gentle tapping vibration
of the electrodes particles continuous
rotation the same; but long experience
with manyformsof these devices have found
that such procedures,while suitable simple 75
and comparatively unimportant operations,
as ordinary signaling, when merely re
quired that the succeeding effects produced
in the receiving-circuit should differ re
gard their relative duration only, which 80
case little consequence some
of the individual effects altered incom
plete even entirely missed, not yield
satisfactory results many instances, when
it may very important that theeffects pro- 85
dneed should all exactly such desired
and that none should fail.613,800 3
which should very constant electromo
tive force. 120
a plan view, partially diagrammatical, the
vessel, apparatus, and circuit connections of
the same. This result makes
it possible for one operator direct simul
taneously the movements number of
bodies well control the action a
50 number devices located the same body,
each which may have distinct duty to
fulfil. illustrate, let
it supposed that official directing the
movements vessel the manner de
scribed should find necessary bring into 90
action special device the latter per
form particular operation, perhaps vital
moment, instant’s notice and possibly
when, design accident, the vessel itself
or any mark indicating its presence hidden 95
from his view. the following description, how
ever, shall show still further development
in this direction—namely, how, making
55 use merely one receiving-circuit, great
variety devices may actuated and any
number different functions performed at
the will and command the distant oper-
ator. Fig. a
view the various mechanisms employed,
but larger scale, find leaving out indi-
It will obviously noted front the pre
ceding that whichever these similar
contrivances used the sensitiveness and,
15 what often still more important, the reli
ability operation very materially in
creased close adjustment the periods
of vibration the transmitting and receiv
ing circuits, and, although such adjustment
20 many cases unnecessary for the success-
•ful carrying out invention, neverthe
less make rule bestow upon this fea
ture the greatest possible care, not only be
cause the above-mentioned advantages,
25 which are secured the observance the
most favorableconditions this respect, but
also and chiefly with the objeet prevent
ing the receiving-circuit front being affected
by waves disturbances emanating from
30 sources not under the control the operator. Fig. this arrangement distant
electrical disturbance produces twofold ef
fect the conducting particles and insulat-
5 ing-films between them. The former are
brought nearer each other consequence
of the sudden increase electrostatic attrac
tion, and the latter, owing this, well as
by being reduced thickness number,
io are subjected much greater strain, which
they are unable withstand. secure
35 the best result, necessary, as' well
known experts, construct the receiving-
circuit that part the same which the
vibration chiefly occurs that will have
the highestpossible self-induction and the
to same time the least possible resistance. In
this mannerI havedemonstrated the practica
bility providinga great number such re
ceiving-circuits—fifty orahundred,or ore-
each which may called brought
+5 into action whenever desired without the oth-
ers being interfered with. Fig