55 Finally, may avail myself, carrying out
my invention, electrical oscillations which
do not follow any particular condupting-path,
but propagate straight lines through space,
of rays, waves, pulses, disturbancesof any
60 kind capable bringing, the mechanism of
the moving body into action from distance
and the will the operator their effect
upon suitable controlling devices.obtained connecting the two
conducting plates terminals above referred
to permanently with the poles battery. this case the
circuit the moving body similarly ar-
20 ranged connected differences potential
on the terminals the circuit either con
duction electrostatic induction are pro
duced and the same object attained. Again,
to secure the best action the receiving-circuit
25 should adjusted electromag
netic synchronism with the primary source,
as before; but this instance will un
derstood those skilled the art that the
number vibrations per unit time the
30 same the circuit should now háve length
of conductor only one-half that used the
former case. Confining 90
myself merely the electrical the most
practicable such means and referring only
to those which, while not the most sensitive,
are perhaps more readily available from the
mbre general knowledge which exists regard- 95
ing them, may state that contrivance may
be Used which has long been known and used
as lightning-arrester connection with
telephone-switchboards for operating annun
ciators and like devices, comprising bat- 100
tery the poles which are connected two
conducting-terminals separated minute
thickness dielectric.
Still another way pass the currents
simply through the ground connecting
35 both the terminals the source high-fre
quency currents earth different and re
mote points and utilize the currents spread
ing through the ground for affecting re
ceiving-circuit properly placed and adjusted. .613. Normally these par- 120
tides lying loose not connect the metal
plates; bnt under the influence elec
trical disturbance produced distance,
evidently owing electrostatic attraction,
they are pressed firmly against each other, 125
thus establishing good electrical connection
between the two terminals. The electromotive
force the battery should such strain
the thin dielectric layer very nearly the 105
point breaking down order increase
the sensitiveness. When electrical dis
turbance reaches circuit arrangeďánd
adjusted, additional strain put upon the
insulating-film, which gives way and allows o
the passage current which can util
ized operate any form circuit-controlling
In the followingdetailed description shall
65 confine myself explanation that
method and apparatus only which have
found the most practical and effectual;
but obviously invention its broad fea
tures not limited the special mode add
appliances which have devised and shall 70
here describe.
Again, another contrivance capable be
ing utilized detecting feeble electrical ef- 115
febts consists two conducting plates ter
minals which have, preferably, wires some
length attached them and are bridged by
a mass minute particles metal other
conducting material.
40 Again, this instance only one the ter
minals the receiving-circuit connected
to the ground, the other terminal being insu
lated, the adjustment synchronism with
the source will require that tinder otherwise
•45 equal conditions thé length wire half of
that which would used both the termi
nals connected pr, generally, the circuit
be the form 'cipsed loop coil, Ob
viously also the latter case the relative po-
50 sition the receiving and transmitting cir
cuits importance, whereas the circuit
be the former kind—that is, open—the
relative position the circuits is, rule,
of little consequence.809
eitherby passingthrough the conducting-path
currents specially-designed high-fre
quency alternator or, better still, those a
strongly-charged condenser—a veryhigh rate
5 change may obtained and the effective
range the influence thus extended over a
vast area, and carefully adjusting the cir
cuit the moving body be'in exact
electromagnetic synchronism with the pri-
10 marydisturbances this influence may util
ized great distances. This change of
state may made use number ways
for the above purpose.
Another way carry out invention is
to direct the currents discharges high-
frequency machine condenser through a
15 circuit one terminal which connected
directly, inductively with the ground and
the other body, preferably large sur
face and elevation.
In any event—that say, whichever of
the above similar plans may adopt—and
particularly when the influence exerted from
a distance upon the receiving-circuit too 75
small directly and reliably affect and actu
ate the controlling apparatus employ auxil
iary sensitive relays or, generally speaking,
means capable being brought into action
by the feeblest influences order effect 80
the control the movements the distant
body with the least possible expenditure of
energy and the greatest practicable dis
tance, thus extending the range and ^
ness invention. 85
A great variety electrical and other de
vices more less suitable for the purpose of
detecting and utilizing feeble actions are now
well known scientific men and artisans and
need not all enumerated here.
Still another modified device, which may 130
be said embody the features both the