far the
more important gain have found result
from effect which have observed fol
low from the action such medium when
under pressure upon the arc—namely, that
30 the cross-section the latter reduced ap
proximately inverse ratio the pres
The details this apparatus will de
scribed reference the accompanying its
drawing, which vertical central section
of the circuit-controller complete. Within this re- 120
ceptacle contained the circuit-controller,
which, far the main feature my
present invention concerned, may any
desired construction, but which, for the rea
son stated above, the special character 123
In carrying out invention the medium
under pressure may produced main
tained any proper manner, the improve-
53 ment not being limited this particular to
any special means for the purpose. under conditions other respects
the same the waste energy arc pro
portional its cross-section, very important
33 gain economy generally results. This body carries tube duct
which takes one end fluid conductor
contained the receptacle and rotating with
the same and discharges from the other
end against the rotating spaced conductors. With
the object overcoming objections that
might lie this form circuit-controller in
the particular referred to, devised the form 100
of instrument shown herein.
63 While the improvement applicable gen
erally circuit-controllers, the best results
will secured the use devices which
a high relative speed between the terminals
is obtainable, and with this special object in
view have devised novel circuit-controller 70
which, though belonging the class which
I have shown typical form applica
tion for patent filed December 1897, Serial
No. The features
which more particularly distinguish this form
are the following: employ closed station
ary receptacle within which mounted a
body that capable being rotated any 105
way—as, for example, the drag pull
upon external field force mag
net rotated bodily. 90
While apparatus thus constructed is
very efficient and performs the work required
of highly-satisfactory manner, is
nevertheless subject certain limitations,
arising mainly from the amount ofwork which 93
the conducting fluid required perform
and which increases with the speed.
The construction the device this particu- 130
lar and the means for imparting rotation to
the said body may greatly varied; but a
convenient means for accomplishing this is
to secure the rotary sleeve laminated
. prefer,
■however, secure the desired result in
closing the circuit-controller, least so
much the same shall include the termi-
60 nals, chamber receptacle with which
communicates small reservoir containing a
liquefied gas. Mounted within and 80
concentrically with the receptacle, but capa
ble free independent rotation with respect
thereto, body which during the rotation
of the receptacle retarded restrained
against rotation the application suit- 85
able force.
A receptacle, iron, steel, other
proper material, with head 13, secured a
gas-tight insulating-joint. spindle screwed otherwise
secured centrally the head and this
is mounted antifriction-bearings body
to which rotary motion may imparted. The rotary body imparts
rotation series spaced conductors
within the receptacle and also operates no
pump maintain flow conducting fluid
through one more stationary ducts and from
the same against the rotating conductors.
The application great pressure the me-
io dium which the make-and-break made
secures number specific advantages. overcome this
defect and still more nearly attain the the-
5 oretical conditions required for most efficient
working the circuit-controlling devices, I
have been finally led use fluid insulating
medium subjected great pressure.
One these may obviously inferred from
well established experimental facts, which
demonstrate that the striking distance an
15 arc approximately inversely proportional
to the pressure gaseous medium which
it occurs; but view the fact that most
cases occurring practice the striking dis
tance very small, since the difference of
20 potential between the electrodes usually
not more than few hundred volts, the eco
nomical advantages resulting from the reduc
tion the striking distance, particularly on
approach the terminals, are not very
23 great practical consequence.611,719
thickness, and thus pass through all degrees
of resistance and causing more less con
siderable waste energy. For purpose illustration
this particular manner carrying out the
invention described herein. feature
ofgreat practicalvalue lies also the fact that
the insulating power the compressed me
dium not materially impaired even con
siderable increase temperature, and, fnr-
40 thermore, that variations pressure between
wide limits not interfere notably with the
operation the circuit-controller, whereas
such conditions are fatal drawbacks when,
for instance, Poggendorff’s method insu-
45 lating the terminals used. many other
respects, however, gas under great com
pression nearly fulfils the ideal requirements
above mentioned, the sudden breaking
down and quick restoration the insulating
30 power, and also chemical inertness, which
by proper selection ofthe gas easily secured. 660,518, differs certain particulars of
construction, which will understood from 75
the following comparison: the previously-
described form said circuit-controllers a
rotary receptacle, carrying within series
of spaced conductors, driven high speed
by suitable motor