viously these facts may utilized con-
50 nection with novel circuit-controllers;
but inasmuch only very moderate im
provement secured this manner and as
the high vacuum required quickly de
stroyed and cannot maintained, unless by
a continuous process rarefaction and other 55
inconvenient measures, have found desir
able employ more effective and practical
means increase the efficiency the de
vices question.)
To all whom, concern:
Be known that resid
ing New York, the county and State of
New York, have Invented certain new and
5 useful Improvements Electrical Circuit
Controllers, which the following speci
fication, reference being had the drawings
accompanying and forming part the same. These devices possess many de
sirable qualities, particularly that being
eminently adapted for making and breaking
at very rapid rate electric circuit and
thus reducing minimum the time pas-
25 sage the current through arc path of
high resistance and diminishing thereby the
losses incident the closure and interrup
tion the circuit.
ELECTRICAL-CIRCUIT CONTROLLER. trical-energy conversion means con
denser discharges, have devised certain
novel forms such appliances, comprising
IS essential elements body conducting
fluid constituting one the terminals, con
ductor series conductors forming the
other terminal, and means for bringing the
two into rapidly-intermittent contact with
2o each other.
SPECIFICATION form ing part Letters atent No. (M
N . the use such liquid
insulator very marked advantage was se
cured; but while some the above require
ments are attained this manner certain 100
defects still exist, notably that due the
fact that the insulating liquid, common
with vacuous space, though less de
gree, permits the arc expand length and
Application filed December 10,1897. Continued experimenta
tion with these appliances has led make
30 further important improvements causing
the make-and-break effected inert
medium very high insulating power.
It fact, which was fully demonstrated
by Poggendorff and utilized him im-
35 prove the operation induction-coils, that
when the contact-points circuit-breaker
are inclosed vessel and the latter ex
hausted high degree the interruption of
the current rendered móre sudden, a
40 condenser were connected around the break. The measures have
adopted for this purpose have resulted from 60
:my recognition certain ideal qualifications
of the medium wherein effect make-and-
break. a
step the direction these theoretical re- 90
quirements have employed some my
circuit-controlling devices fluid high in
sulating qualities, such liquid hydrocar
bon, and caused the same forced, pref
erably with great speed, between the ap- 95
proaching and receding contact-points the
circuit-controller. Serial Ho, 661,403.nited States Patent Office.
Furthermore, own investigations have
shown that under such conditions the closure
also more sudden, and this even greater
degree than the break,which result attribute
45 the high insulating quality the vacuous
space, consequence which the electrodes
may brought very close proximity be
fore arc can formed'between them. These may summed fol
lows: First, the mediumby which thecontact-
points are surrounded should have high 65
an insulating quality possible, that the
terminals may approached ex
tremely short distance before the current
leaps across the intervening space; second,
the closing repair the injured dielec- 70
trie, or, other words, the restoration the
insulating power, should instantaneous in
order reduce minimum the time dur
ing which the waste principally occurs; third,
the medium should chemically inert, 75
to diminish much possible the deterio
ration the electrodes and prevent chem
ical processes which might result the de
velopment heat or, general, loss of
energy; fourth, the giving way the me- 80
dium under the application electrical pres
sure should not yielding nature, but
should very sudden and the nature of
a crack, similar that solid, such a
piece glass when squeezed vise, and, 85
fifth, most important, the medium ought to
be such that the arc when formed restricted
to the smallest possible linear dimensions and
is not allowed spread expand.
In order secure more efficient working
io circuit-controllers, particularly their
use connection with system elec-
. 611,719, dated October