The interior the drum formed by
preference substantially the manner shown
in Fig. 568,176.
The shaft the motor extends through
a stationary disk and its end keyed a
hollow wheel drum which rotates with
50 it. The circuit connections
will described connection with Fig. convenient way accomplish
this form racks the arms and 125
provide pinion engagement therewith.
R, designates the conducting fluid, and S
the lighter non-conducting fluid, which are
used the drum. In. The rotating disks no
this case are mounted spindles right
angles the axis rotation the drum F,
and the contact points projections are
formed vanes, with faces inclined the
plane rotation, rotated the 115
movement the fluid the manner tur
bine wheels. 1;
Fig. central vertical section
25 the improved circuit-controller Fig.
If, therefore, one part the circuit con
nected the drum, contact strip or
brush and the other part the disk M,
or any part, the standards which are 90
insulated from the frame the apparatus
and metallic connection with the disk M,
the circuit will made and broken with a
rapidity which may obviously made enor
mous^ high.
I have also devised certain details con
struction which add the efficiency and prac
ticability the apparatus which will more
conveniently described reference the ae-
20 companying drawings. 5.
In illustration the modifications which
the improvement susceptible now refer
to Figs. Its
teeth are arranged that two are simul
taneously contact with the conducting 85
fluid, but come into the same successively.
60 desirable that the disk should admit of
adjustment with respect the inner periph
eral surface the drum, and for this purpose
I secure the arm rod which passes
through supports the cross-bar and ad-
65 ustable therein means threaded huts P. The presence the non-con- 95
ducting fluid the surface the other
operates pi-event the occurrence sparks
as the teeth leave the latter and also to
prevent the current from leaping across the
space between the teeth and the conductor o
as the two approach.609,251
a rapidity which may very great.
From the shaft the pinion extends arm
c, the end which connected adjust
able stop spiral spring the tendency
of which turn the pinion and force both 130
arms and toward the periphery the
In some applications the invention is
practicable prevent the occurrence arcs
. 2—that say, tapered con
tracted toward the periphery form a
narrow trough which the fluid confined 70
when the drum rotated.
As the apparatus whole now well
known, brief description the same will
suffice for understanding its character.
In order insure the proper immersion of
the projections into the fluid compensate
io for wear and the same time secure a
yielding pressure between the fluid and the
disk, desirable employ for the disk
some form spring connection support
which will exert force tending force in
15 contact with the fluid. The disk mounted any suitable
bearings the arm capable of
free rotation. Two standards are secured the disk
E and connected cross-bar from which
extends arm into the interior the
drum through central opening its side. a
modified form the circuit-controller, show
ing connection with the remaining parts
of the apparatus illustrated diagrammatic-
30 ally; and Fig.
In the modification shown Figs.
To the end the arm secured arm
55 carrying its free end disk with pe
ripheral teeth projections shown in
The arm adjusted that the teeth 80
projections the disk will just enter the
conducting fluid, and the action either
or both the disk will rapidly rotated.
In order provide means for automat
ically adjusting the disks compensate for
any wear and keep the ends the vanes 120
points properly immersed the fluids, each
disk-carrying arm impelled spring or
weight the direction the periphery of
the drum. 2. and which also certain novel
and useful details construction applicable 105
generally the invention are shown. end view the same; Fig. the proper quantities
and proportions these fluids introduced 75
into the drum and the latter set rapid rota
tion, the two fluids will distribute themselves
under the action centrifugal force around
the drum the manner indicated Fig. fact,
when the drum rotated high rate of
speed the fluid conductor may become its
effect similar solid body, upon which the
5 conducting-disk rolls, that the conducting
fluid might dispensed with, although I
find preferable use it. side view the same with
the receptacle section. and 5
two rigid arms and L', each carrying disk
M, are shown, and this number may in
creased, desired.
Figure side elevation complete
apparatus for producing currents high fre
quency and which present invention
is applied.
35 The various parts devices are preferably
mounted base which contains the con
denser, and comprise transformer with
primary and secondary coils, one more self-
induction coils small electromagnetic
40 motor and the circuit-controller, which is
driven the motor.
In general plan ofconstruction and arrange
ment the apparatus essentially the same as
45 that described and shown patent granted
to September 22, 1896, No