When two more disks equivalent de
vices are used, they maybe connected either
in series multiple.
9. circuit-controller comprising, com- 75
bination, terminal capable rotation and
formed provided with peripheral projec
tions, centrifugal drum wheelcontaining
a fluid conductor into which the points or
projections the said conductor extend, 80
and means for rotating the said drum, set
10. :The combination with centrifugal
drum containing conducting and non-con
ducting, fluid, means for rotating the drum, 130
a terminal capable rotation and having
peripheral projections, mounted within the
drum, stationary support, and spring
or its equivalent acting the said terminal
means for rotating the receptacle,and termi-
50 nal supported independently the receptacle
and adapted to.
Without therefore limiting myself the.
5. the present illus-
io tration they are shown series, and as
the arms and are insulated from each
other and each connected with terminal of
the source current the circuit completed
only when vane each disk immersed
15 the conducting fluid and interrupted at
all other times. circuit-controller comprising, com
bination, receptacle containing . circuit-controller comprising com-
55 bination receptacle containing conducting
fluid and non-conducting fluid, means for
rotating the receptacle aiid terminal adapt
ed make and break electrical connection
with the conducting fluid within under the
60 non-conducting fluid, set forth. The combination with hollow centrifu
gal drum wheel containing conducting
fluid, motor for rotating the same, sup
port extending through opening into, the:
drum, and rotatable terminal having pe- 105
ripheral projections, mounted said support
in position which its projections extend
into the fluid when displaced centrifu
gal action, set forth. circuit-controller comprising, com
bination, terminalhaving peripheral projec
tions and capable rotation, centrifugal
drum receptacle, containing conducting
and lighter non-conducting fluid, the said 95
terminal being arranged that its points or
projections extend through the non-conduct
ing into the conducting fluid, when the fluids
are distributed the drum under the action
of centrifugal force, set forth.make and break electric con
nection with the receptacle through the fluid,
as set forth. 100
8.in com
bination terminal capable rotation and
formed provided with peripheral contacts,
a receptacle comprising the opposite terminal
65 and containing fluid into which the said
contacts extend, and.
These latter during the periods when the
circuit closed between arms and dis-
30 charge through the primary and induce
by such discharge currents the secondary
A", 'which are utilized for any purpose for
which they may suited, operating
vacuum-tubes suitable lamps Y.
a fluid conductor into which the points the
said terminal extend, and means for adjust
ing the latter with relation the surface of
the fluid, set forth.
The diagram circuit connections will
serve toillustrate the purpose and modeof op
eration the device.
6. The combination with receptacle con- no
taining fluid and means for rotating the
same, terminal with peripheral projections
capable rotation, and spring connection
or support for said terminal tending force
it toward the periphery the receptacle, 115
set forth.
35 will understood that the rotating drum
may mounted horizontal other plane
and from the nature and objects the re
sults which are attained the particular
apparatus described the construction this
40 apparatus may very greatly varied with
out departure from invention. circuit-controller, comprising, com
bination, terminal capable rotation and
formed provided with peripheral projec- 70
tions, receptacle containing fluid con
ductor into which the points projections of
the said conductor extend, and means for ro
tating the said receptacle, set forth. circuit-controller comprising. Let the con-
20 ductors from source current, each includ
ing self-induction coil and connected
with the arms and and with two con
ductors B", respectively. 90’
details construction and arrangement
shown herein illustration the manner
45 which invention may carried
out, what claim is—
1. means for rotating the
receptacle, set forth.
4. circuit-controller comprising, com
bination, terminal capable rotation and
formed provided with peripheral projec- 85
tions, centrifugal drum wheel containing.609,251 3
still more effectively even entirely by
using addition the non-conducting fluid
a somewhat heavier fluid which com
paratively poor conductor and which takes
5 position between the conducting and
non-conducting fluids. The combination with hollowcentrifu
gal drum wheel containing conducting
fluid and lighter non-conducting fluid,means
for rotating the said drum, support extend- 120
ing through opening into the drum, and a
rotatable terminal having peripheral projec
tions, mounted said support position in
which the projections extend through the
non-conducting into the conducting fluid 125
when the fluids are displaced centrifugal
action, set forth. Then during
the periods when the circuit completed be-
25 tween the two arms the coils store
energy, which the interruption said cir
cuit rushes into and charges the condensers