In order that the full advantages sys
tem may realized and the best practical
results secured, the said circuit -controller
should capable fulfilling certain require-
35 ments, the most important among which is
the capability effecting extremely-rapid
interruption and completion the circuit.toward into the
conducting fluid effect the makes 0
breaks the circuit. R
It also importance that such makes and
breaks,and more especially the former,should
40 positive and abrupt, and from considera
tions economy and practicability es
sential that the apparatus should cheaply
constructed, not liable derangement, and
capable prolonged use without attention
45 adjustment. best maintained such 70
construction the receptacle that the dis
tribution the two fluids necessary for the
proper operation the device may pre
served centrifugal action and the rotation
of the other terminal effected the move- 75
ment the fluid fluids relatively thereto. (H
odel. SerialH
o, 683,525.purpose which aware
is hollow wheel drum mounted to
be rotated any desired speed and contain
ing conducting fluid, such mercury or
an electrolyte, which the rotation the 85
drum thrown centrifugal force outward
to the inner periphery the same, and a
sufficient quantity ofa lighter non-conducting
or poorly-conductive fluid, such water or
oil, which the centrifugal action main- 90
tained the surface the heavier con
ducting fluid and tends prevent the occur
rence arcs between the contact-points and
the conducting fluid. 60
In the preferred construction the appa
ratus the receptacle contains both conduct
ing and non-conducting fluid, the former
being the heavier, and maintain the termi
nals such relations that the electrical con- 65
nection between them made and broken
by the successive immersion the contact-
points into and their withdrawal from the
conductingthrough the non-conducting fluid.
The motion the fluid within the drum
causes the disk rotate and its projections
or vanes make and break the circuit with
pplicationfiledJune 8j1897.
A central opening formed one side 95
the drum, through which enters arm car
rying disk with peripheral projections or
vanes which when the drum rotated pro
ject sufficient extent_.
SPECIFICATION form ing part Letters atent No.
io previous patents granted have
shown and described methods and apparatus
for the conversion and utilization electrical
currents very high frequency based upon
the principle charging condenser cir-
15 cuit possessing capacity and discharging the
samegenerally through the primary trans
former, the secondary which constituted
the source working current and under such
conditions yield vibrating rapidly-
20 intermittent current.
These relations are.United States Patent Office. With the object attain
ing these results,which háve never heretofore
been fully attained any form mechan
ical circuit-controller which aware, I
devised and developed the circuit-controller
50 which forms the subject present appli
cation and which may general terms de
scribed follows:
,-The device its typical embodiment com-
:prises essential elements two terminals—
;one with peripheral contacts alternating with 55
;insulating-spaces, such exemplified a
stelliform disk and which capable rota
tion, and the other rotatable receptacle con
taining fluid which more less the
first-named terminal immersed.!
To all whom concern:
Beit known that citizen
of the United States, residing New York, in
the county and State New York, have in-
5 vented certain new and useful Improvements
in Electric-Circuit Controllers, which the
following specification, reference being
had the drawings accompanying and form
ing part the same.
To secure the conditions necessary for the
accomplishment the objects the inven
tion, various mechanical expedients may be
resorted to; but the best and mostpracticable 80
device for the.
In some the forms apparatus which I
have heretofore devised for carrying out this
v invention have employed mechanism for
making and breaking electric circuit or
25 branch thereof for the purpose charging
and discharging the condenser, and pres
ent application based upon novel and
improved form device for this purpose,
which maybe generally styled circuit-con-
30 troller. 609,251, dated ugust 16, 1898.