The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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609,246 the streams whenever they intersect and in­ terrupted all other times. such means the distances between the jets each set are made the greatest possible and hurtful short- 55 circuits are avoided. 2. For the sake illustration let the number of jets nozzles one compartment be nine and the number those marked in the other compartment ten. circuit-controller comprising com­ bination means for producing streams jets of conducting liquid forming the terminals, 85 and means for bringing the jets streams of the respective terminals into intermittent contact with each other, set forth. circuit-controller the combination with one more stationary nozzles and means for causing conducting fluid forming one terminal issue therefrom, one more no rotating tubes nozzles, means for causing a conducting liquid forming the other ter­ minal issue therefrom, the said rotating nozzles being movable through such path as to cause the liquid issuing therefrom in- 115 tersect that from the stationary nozzles set forth. However, since there always exists tendency pro­ ject greater quantity the fluid from that 40 compartment which contains the greater into that which contains the lesser amount dif­ ficulty will found this respect main­ taining the proper conditions for the satisfac­ tory operation the instrument. attain the same result with only one jet, L', would be necessary employ ninety jets Oin the other compartment, and this would objection- 65 able, not only because the close proximity of the jets, but also the great quantity of fluid required maintain them. Preferably the difference between the number ofjets should one. 45 practical advantage,especially important when great number breaks per unit of time desired, secured making the number jets one compartment even and in the other odd and placing each jet sym- 50 metrically with respect the center rota­ tion. i will understood that sofar the broad feature maintaining the terminal jets is concerned widely-diiferent means may em­ ployed for the purpose and that the spindles mounted free bearings concentrically with 15 the axis ofrotation the receptacle and held against rotation the weighted arms consti­ tute but one specific way ofaccomplishingthis result. In instruments this character which 75 both terminals are formed liquid element there wear deterioration the ter­ minals and the contact between them more perfect. This particular plan, however, has certain advantages and may applied cir- 20 cuit-controllers this class generally when­ everit necessary maintain stationary or nearly stationary body within rotating re­ ceptacle. The combination with rotating recep­ tacle divided into two insulated compart­ ments, spindle one compartment with its 120 axis concentric with that the receptacle, means for opposing the rotation said spin­ dle, and tube duct carried the spindle and adapted take conducting fluid at one end from the inner periphery the com- 125 partment when the receptacle rotated and direct from the other end into the other compartment, similar spindle the other compartment and means for opposing its ro­ tation, tube carried the spindle andhav- 130 ing opening one end near the inner pe­ riphery the compartment and discharging into chamber from which lead one more passages nozzles fixed the rotating re- . 5. Then one 60 revolution the receptacle there will be ninety makes and breaks. The number jets, whether stationary or rotating, purely arbitrary; but since the conducting fluid directed from one com- 35 partment into the other the aggregate amount normally discharged from the compartments should approximately equal. circuit-controller, the combination with two sets orifices adapted discharge 90 jets different directions, means for main­ taining jets conducting liquid through said orifices, and means for moving said orifices relatively each other that the jets from those one set will intermittently intersect 95 those from the other, set forth. further evident from the na­ ture the ease that not essential that 25 the jet jets one compartment portion of the instrument should stationary and the others rotating, but only that there should be such relative movement between them as to cause the two sets come into rapidly-in- 30 termittent contact the operation the de­ vice. 3. The combination circuit-controller of ducts and means for discharging therefrom streams jets conducting fluid elec­ trical contact with the two parts the circuit 100 respectively, the orifices said ducts being- capable movement relatively each other, whereby the streams discharged therefrom will intersect intervals during their rela­ tive movement, and make and break the elec- 105 trie circuit, set forth. The continuity the jets streams not preserved ordinarily any great distance 5 beyond the orifices from which they issue, and hence they not serve conductors to electrically connect the two sides the re­ ceptacle beyond their point intersection with each other. 4. The durability and efficiency the devices are thus very greatly increased. 80 Having now described invention, what 1 claim is— 1. In the use the instrument circuit- controller merely necessary connect the two insulated parts the receptacle 70 the two parts the circuit, respectively, as by causing brushes connected with cir­ cuit-wires, bear any suitable points on the said two parts A'