The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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Poznámky redaktora
609,246 3 ceptacle and adapted discharge across the path the jet from the stationary nozzle, as set forth. 6. circuit-controller the combination of two sets nozzles and means for project­ ing from the same, jets conducting fluid which constitute respectively the terminals 15 of the controller, means for moving the noz­ zles relatively each other that the jets of the two sets are brought successively into contact, the nozzles each setbeing arranged symmetrically about axis rotation,there 2o being one more nozzle one set than the other. ■Witnesses: M, , G. NIKOLA TESLA. Martling. circuit-controller the combination 5 with rotating receptacle body mounted therein and formed provided with a weighted portion eccentric its axis which opposes its rotation and tube duct car­ ried said body and adapted take a ro conducting fluid from the rotating receptacle as set forth. 7.