This consists utilizing the same
power that actuates drives the circuit-con
troller effecting the necessary relative
30 movement its terminals maintain the
proper circulation the conducting, fluid
by combining the two mechanisms (the con
troller and the means for maintaining cir
culation the conducting fluid) one.
10 this apparatus one the members or
terminals conducting fluidwhich caused
to issue from ati orifice against series of
spaced conductors rapid succession.609,245
approach and separation being course the
smaller the greater the diameter the ro
tated conductor terminal.
The parts marked compose closed recep
tacle cylindrical form having dome or
extension smaller diameter. This preferably accomplished by
20 mountingthe conductors and the tube duct
from which the fluid issues concentrically and
revolving one both.
In the drawings hereto annexed, Figure 1
is diagram illustrating the system for which 70
the improvement was more especially de
signed. With this object
when closed receptacle used holder for
45 the tube employed, mounted within the re
ceptacle and concentrically therewith, and
this holder, when the receptacle revolved,
is held influenced any suitable means,
as magnetic attraction exerted from the
50 outside otherwise, such manner to
keep either fixed position impress
upon velocity different from that the
rotated fluid. typical ar
rangement for this purpose provide a
tube duct having orifice one end di
rected toward the spaced conductors and its
40 other end position take portion
of the rapidly rotating body conducting
fluid,divert through the duct, and discharge
it against the conductors. with its condenser-
case side elevation and the circuit-con- 75
troller vertical central section. Fig. and for illus- 105
tration the more important and typical
features improved circuit-controller.
The chief feature novelty which distin
guishes the apparatus and which im-
25 provement resides the plan adopted for
maintaining the stream jet conduct
ing fluid. This
35 feature great practical advantage and
may effected many ways. The opposite terminal this 85
condenser connected the other terminal
of the source through the primary a
transformer, the secondary which sup
plies the working circuit containing any suit
able translating devices, B". view showing the
induction-coil Fig. self-induction choking
coil included one branch the circuit and
permanently connected one side con
denser A". Sur
rounding the dome in. 90
The circuit-controller which repre
sented conventionally, operates make and
break bridge from one terminal the
source point between the choking-coil
A' and the condenser A", from which will 95
result that when the circuit completed
through the controller the choking-coil is
short-circuited and stores energy which dis
charged into the condenser when the con
troller-circuit broken, turn dis- 100
charged from the condenser through the pri
mary when these two are short-circuited
by the subsequent completion the con
troller-circuit. For
this purpose the series conductors, it
15 may single conductor, moved trans
versely through the stream jet fluid, or
the jet moved impinge upon the
conductors, both jet and conductors are
moved. Fig. Therecepta- no
cle secured the end spindle which
is mounted vertically bearings any char
acter suitable for the purpose.
With the object securing greater rela-
5 tive speed the terminals and consequently
more efficient form circuit controller of
this type devised the modified form ap
paratus which constitutes the subject my
present application.
The general scheme the system for use
with which improved circuit-controller is
more especially designed will understood
by brief reference Fig. body of
magnetic aerial 7
i, which serves ar
mature, mounted antifriction-bearings 125
on extension the spindle that the
receptacle and the body may have freely
independent movements rotation.which the armature
h contained, core with pole-pieces 130
which are magnetized coils wound on
the core. said figure, 80
A represent the terminals source of
current. in
tended impart rapid rotation the re
ceptacle have shown convenient de- 115
vice for this purpose comprising field-mag
net secured the base frame and an
annular armature secured the recepta
cle The coils the armature are con
nected with the plates commutator se- 120
cured the receptacle and made cylin
drical form, surround the socket in
which the spindle stepped. top plan view the cir
cuit-controller. The said core stationary, being
Such other improvements details I
55 have devised and applied the construction
and operation improved circuit-con
troller will more fully hereinafter de
scribed but from the above generalstatement
of the nature the device will observed
60 that means the same the velocity of
relative movement the two parts ele
ments may enormously increased and the
duration the arc discharge between them
at the periods make and break thereby
65 greatly reduced without material increase in
the power required effect and without
impairing the quality contact deterio
rating the terminals.
I refer now Figs