The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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recede from one another and also more less the form of 50 the current-wave. On the contrary, the current-curve resulting from make and break generally very steep and particularly when, sys- 65 tem, the circuit-controller effects the charg­ ing and discharging condenser, and con­ sequently the loss energy still more rapidly reduced increased velocity ap­ proach and separation.nited States Patent Office. 609,345, dated August 16, 1898. Applicationfiled December 2,1897.} . Serial N o. 639,227, which receptacle rotated to impart rapid movement body con- 90 ducting fluid contained therein, which is brought rapidly-intermittent contact with a conductor having peripheral projections extending into the fluid, the movement the latter being conveniently utilized rotate 95 the conductor. SPECIFICATION' forming part Letters Patent No. (N om odel. tendency the formation arc the break is, rule, 25 the greater, while certain forms appa­ ratus have invented which the discharge of condenser utilized this tendency is greatest the instant immediately preced­ ing the conjunction the contacts thecir- 30 cuit-controller which effects the discharge of the condenser.useful Improvements Electrical-Circuit Controllers, which the following speci­ fication, reference being had the drawings accompanying and forming part the same. 660,518. discovering a means for avoiding the loss incident the use ordinary forms circuit-controllers 45 haveled recognize certain laws govern­ ing the waste eiiergy and making de­ pendent chiefly, the velocity with which the terminals approach and. In every form electrical apparatus in- io volving means for making and breaking, more less abruptly, circuit waste en­ ergy occurs during the periods make or break, both, due the passage the cur­ rent through arc formed between the re- 15 ceding approaching terminals contacts, or, more generally, through path high re­ sistance. The loss energy occasioned the causes mentioned may very considerable and is generally such greatly restrict the use of 35 the circuit-controller and render impossible . Extended experiment and investigation conducted with the aim of.ction-coil the. Briefly stated, from both theoretical considerations and practical ex­ periment appears that the loss energy in any device for making and breaking cir­ cuit, other conditions being the same, in­ versely proportional rather the square than 55 to the first power the speed relative ve­ locity the terminals approaching and re­ ceding from one another instance in which the current-curve not steep to materially depart from one which maybe 60 represented sine function the time; but such case seldom obtains practice. With view, however, securing more practical and efficient circuit -controller in which not only the relative speed the ter­ minals but also the frequency the makes 85 and breaks should very high devised the the form instrument described appli­ cation filed June 1897, Serial No. ELECTRICAL-CIRCUIT CONTROLLER. Such device, though meet­ ing fully many requirements practice, is nevertheless subject certain limitations in the matter attaining high relative speed of approach and separation the terminals, 100 since the path movement the conduct­ ing projections not directly away from and toward the fluid, but more less tangential to the surface the latter, the velocity of . To all whom concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, resid­ ing New York, the county and State of New York, have invented certain new and 5 . For example, the ease or­ dinary indu. The tendency the current per­ sist after the actual disjunction precede the conjunction the terminals exists in 20 varying degrees different forms appa­ ratus, according the special conditions present. The demonstration 70 of these facts and the recognition the im­ possibility attaining the desired results by using ordinary forms circuit-controllers led toinvent new and essentially different means for making and breaking circuit 75 which have utilized conducting fluid, such as mercury, the material for one both of the terminals and devised novel means for effecting rapidly-intermittent contact be­ tween the fluid and conductor series 80 conductors forming the other terminal. N . practical and economical conversion con­ siderable amounts electrical energy it-s means, particularly cases which high frequency the makes and breaks re- 43 quired