any given engine this kind the normal
55 pressure will produce stroke determined
length, and this will increased dimin
ished according the increase pressure
above the reduction pressure below the
normal.not permit such
sudden escape air sensibly impair or
modify the action the air spring there will
still slow leakage air into out 90
around the piston rod according the press
ure therein, that the pressure the air on
opposite sides the plunger will always tend
to remain that the outside atmosphere.
The pressure the air confined the cyl
inder when the plunger its central po
sition will always practically that the 85
surrounding atmosphere, for while the cylin
der constructed . The movement the coil D'
across the lines force established the
magnets gives rise alternating currents in
the coil. the pressure these
spaces liable variations from variations
in the steam gas used impelling the pis
ton they might affect the period oscillation, 125
and the conditions are not stable and cer
tain the case engine constructed
as Fig. The rate
or period reciprocation the piston, how
ever, mainly determined described above
by the rigidity the air spring and the in- 70
ertia the moving system, and any;period
of oscillation within very wide limits may be
secured properly portioning these factors,
as varying the dimensions the air cham
ber which equivalent varying the rig- 75
idity the spring, adjusting the weight
of the moving parts.
60 constructing the apparatus proper allow
ance made for variation the length of
stroke giving the confining cylinder I
of the air spring properly determined dimen
sions. The
. The
compressions the air the cylinder and
the consequent loss energy due mainly to
45 the imperfect elasticity the air, give rise to
a very considerable amount heat. The cylinder surrounded a
5 jacket which leaves open space cham
ber around it.511,916 3
small leakage may occur through the bear
ings which experience has shown need
not fitted with any very considerable ac
curacy. The movements the
piston compress and rarefy the air the cyl
inder opposite ends the same alter
nately. These currents, the period of
mechanical oscillation constant will 105
constant period, and may utilized for any
purpose desired. This
heat utilize conducting the steam com
pressed air the engine cylinder through the
chamber formed the jacket surrounding
50 the air-spring cylinder. this figure the engine the same as
in Fig. the particular form engine
shown, the jacket which contains the cylin
der provided with flange which it
is screwed the end the cylinder A
20 small chamber thus formed which has air
vents its sides and drip pipes leading
out from through which the oil which col
lects carried off. source steam com
pressed air then connected the inlet
ports the cylinder and movement
be imparted the piston sudden blow,
the latter caused reciprocate man-
35 ner well understood. The main supply pipe
L for steam compressed air leads into this
chamber, and the two pipes that lead the
cylinder run from the said chamber, oil
cups being conveniently arranged de-
15 liver oil into the said pipes for lubricating
the piston. The exterior air spring however
omitted and the air spaces the ends the 120
cylinder relied for accomplishing the
same purpose. Similarly the back stroke the
air compressed the opposite side the
plunger and tends drive forward. example combination in
which the engine not itself capable 115
determining entirely the period oscillation,
but which the generator contributes this
To the piston rod secured conductor 95
or coil wire which the movements of
the piston oscillated the magnetic field
produced two magnets which may
be permanent magnets energized coils
O' connected with source continuous 100
currents E'. These conditions are
all readily determinable, and engine con
structed herein described may made to
follow the principle operation above stated 80
and maintain perfectly uniform period
through very wide limits pressure.
To explain now the operation the engine
25 described, the position the parts shown,
or when the piston the middle point of
its stroke, the plunger the center of
the cylinder and the air both sides the
same the normal pressure the outside
30 atmosphere. But the natural period vi
bration the elastic system made ap
proximately accord with the average period 130
of the engine such tendencies variation
are very largely overcome and the engine will
preserve its period even through consid
erable range variations pressure. The heat thus taken
up and used raise the temperature the
steam air acting upon the piston availed
of increase the efficiency the engine.
In the case under consideration as
sumed necessary condition that the in
ertia the movable element the genera- no
tor and the electro-magnetic reaction which
it exerts will not such character to
materially disturb the action the engine. The bearings the cylin
der extend through the jacket the out
side air and the chamber between the cylin
der and jacket made steam air-tight as
io suitable packing.
Fig. forward stroke compresses the air
ahead the plunger which acts spring
40 return it. The greater the pressure upon the
65 piston, the higher the degree compression
► the air-spring, and the consequent coun-
| teracting force upon the plunger