the attainment
of this object have found preferable 90
construct the engine that itself con
trols the period, but have stated before',
I may modify the elements the combi
nation that the electro-magnetic system may
exert partial even complete control 95
the period. Fig. have
found that even the theoretical conditions
40 necessary for maintaining constantperiod in
the engine itself are not exactly maintained,
still the engine and generator combined will
vibrate constant period.
In illustration the manner which the
invention carried out now refer the
accompanying drawings. have, however, observed the further
30 fact connection with the use such en
gines means for running generator,
that advantageous that the period the
engine and the natural period electrical
vibration the generator should the same,
35 such case the best conditions for electri
cal resonance are established and the possi
bility disturbing the period mechanical
vibrations reduced minimum. invention, therefore, involves
the combination piston free recipro
cate under the influence steam gas
under pressure and the movable element of
an electric generator which direct me- 85
chanical connection with the piston, and it
is more especially the object invention
to secure from such combination electric cur
rents constant period. When conductor moved mag
netic field and current caused circulate
therein,the electro-magneticreaction between
it and the field, might disturb the mechanical
xo oscillation such extent throw it
out isochroDism. This likely occur
in those instances where the power the en
gine while fully capable maintaining a
65 vibration once started, not sufficient to
change its rate.
This condition may readily secured by
properly proportioning the self induction and
capacity the circuit including the genera
tor. spring, but the circuit the generator be
so adjusted that the phases the electromo-
20 tive force and current coincide time, that
is say, when the current not retarded,
then the generator driven the engine acts
merely frictional resistance and Will not,
as rule, alter the period the mechanical
25 vibration, although may varyits amplitude.11,916
coil magnetic field. the case under 75
consideration the engine merely agent
for maintaining the vibration ouce started,
although will understood that this does
not preclude the performance useful work
which would simply result shortening 80
the stroke.
Referring Fig. The
piston formed with two circumferential
grooves which communicate through
openings the piston with the cylinder on
opposite sides said piston respectively. So, for the sake illustra
tion, pendulum started vibration,
and small force applied periodically the
proper direction maintain motion, this
force would have substantial control over 70
the period the oscillation, unless the in
ertia the pendulum small comparison
to the impelling force, and this would true
no matter through what fraction the period
the force may applied. For example, if
instead using the engine independent
45 cylinder and plunger, air spring prac
tically constant rigidity, cause the piston to
impinge upon air cushions the ends its
own cylinder, although the rigidity such
cushions springs might considerably af-
50 fected and varied thevariations ofpressure
within the cylinder, still combining with
such engine generator which has period
of its own approximately that the engine,
constant vibration may maintained even
55 through considerable range varying press
ure, owing the controlling action the
electro-magnetic system. The piston secured to
a piston rod which works suitable stuff
ing boxes the heads the cylinder A. modification the same.
This rod prolonged one side and extends
through bearings cylinder suitably 133
mounted supported line with the first,
and within which disk plunger car
ried the rod II. have even found
that under certain conditions the influence
of the electro-magnetic system may made
60 great entirely control the period of
the mechanical vibration within wide limits
of varying pressure. The cylinder without
ports any kind and air-tight except.
Figure central sectional view rco
engine and generator embodying the inven
tion. This, forinstance, might
occur when the electro-magnetic reaction is
verygreat incomparisontothepowerof theen-
gine, and there retardation the current
15 that the electro-magnetic reaction might
have effect similar tothat which would re
sult from variation the tension the
. the main cylinder
in which works piston Inlet ports C
passthrough the sides the cylinder open- 105
ing the middle portion thereof and oppo-
sitesideá. should stated
however, that applying the engine for this
purpose certain conditions are encountered
which should taken into consideration in
5 order satisfactorily secure the desired re
sult. 115
The particular construction the cylinder,
the piston and the ports controlling may
be very much varied, and not itself ma
terial, except that the special case now un
der consideration desirable that all the 120
ports, and more especially the exhaust ports
should made very much larger than usu
ally the case that force due the ac
tion the steam compressed air will tend
to retard affect the return the piston 125
either direction. Exhaust portsD Dextend through
the walls the cylinder and are formed
with branches that open into the interior of
the cylinder each side the inlet ports no
and opposite sides the cylinder